Expressive Phrases [P.3]

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I capitulated by inadvertence

I cut my reflections adrift

I felt a qualm of apprehension

I suffered agonies of shyness

I took the good day from the hands of God as a perfect gift

I was in a somber mood

I was overshadowed by a deep boding

I was piqued

I yielded to the ingratiating mood of the day

Ill-bred insolence was his only weapon

Ill-dissimulated fits of ambition

Imbued with a vernal freshness

Immense and careless prodigality

Immense objects which dwarf us

Immersed in secret schemes

Immured in a trivial round of duty

Impassioned and earnest language

Impatient and authoritative tones

Impervious to the lessons of experience

Implying an immense melancholy

Imprisoned within an enchanted circle

In a deprecating tone of apology

In a flash of revelation

In a gale of teasing merriment

In a misery of annoyance and mortification

In a musing ecstasy of contemplation

In a sky stained with purple, the moon slowly rose

In a spirit of indulgent irony

In a strain of exaggerated gallantry

In a tone of after-dinner perfunctoriness

In a tone of musing surprise

In a tumult of self-approval and towering exultation

In a vague and fragmentary way

In a wise, superior, slightly scornful manner

In accents of menace and wrath

In its whole unwieldy compass

In moments of swift and momentous decision

In quest of something to amuse

In requital for various acts of rudeness

In the air was the tang of spring

In the dusky path of a dream

In the face of smarting disillusions

In the flush and heyday of youth and gaiety and loveliness

In the heyday of friendship

In the mild and mellow maturity of age

In the perpetual presence of everlasting verities

In this breathless chase of pleasure

In this chastened mood I left him

Incapable of initiative or boldness

Inconceivable perversion of reasoning

Indolently handsome eyes

Indulge in pleasing discursiveness

Ineffable sensation of irritability

Infantile insensibility to the solemnity of his bereavement

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