Chapter 1: A Competition

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"AYYE YO WHERE THE PUSSY PRODUCTS AT?" Came Danny's voice from his seat next to Arin.

They were filming a video for their YouTube channel, Game Grumps, and Danny was currently telling a story about a woman in a CVS. Arin clung to his every word, eager to know more.

"And the person behind the counter was like 'Um, aisle eight' and she was like 'BOKAY'," Danny continued, smiling.

Arin and Danny both laughed, Arin holding his stomach from laughing so hard.

After a few more minutes, maybe an hour, they had finished recording their video and grew fairly hungry.

Arin's POV:

I sat in the kitchen, playing on my phone absentmindedly. I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen and looked up, staring straight at Danny. He gave me a grin and sat down next to me.

"BEXSCUSE MEEEE?" I said loudly to him.

Danny laughed and I laughed too.

"Anyways Arin," Danny began. "I was thinking we could do a little competition."

"What kind of competition?" I replied, raising an eyebrow.

"If we get one million likes on our our last video we'll do a challenge." Danny said, looking proud of his idea.

"What's the challenge?" I asked, a bit confused.

"Whatever they comment. The most commented challenge wins." He said, rubbing the back of his neck a bit. "Do you not like the idea?"

I shook my head.

"No, I like it I'm just scared what they'll comment." I said, laughing a bit with him. "So how will we let everyone know?"

"I'll tweet it out," Danny said and I nodded. "You can too."

Danny pulled out his phone and a few seconds later I got a notification on mine: 'New Twitter Posts From @DannySexbang and @NinjaSexParty'.

I read his post.

'Hey everyone! If the latest Game Grumps video of Arin and I get 1M likes we will do a challenge of your choice! Comment below and the most commented idea will be chosen!'

His post already had 1,000 retweets. I quickly scrolled through some of the comments.

'A double-chin contest!'

'Do the chubby bunny challenge!'

I read the next comment and almost dropped my phone...

'You and Arin should kiss'

The comment already had over 200 likes. I quickly reported it, hoping it would be removed. Then I noticed everyone was commenting things like  'Danny X Arin kiss!' and 'You two need to kiss!'

"Shit..." I mumbled.

Danny gave me a concerned look. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing!" I stuttered slightly.

"Okay..." Danny replied, questioning me.

I quickly searched through more comments as I poured myself a bowl of cereal.

Danny looked over at me.

"Most of these comments are saying we should kiss." Danny laughed.

I awkwardly laughed.

"Yeah... Haha how weird..."  I replied, my cheeks heating up. "I think I'm going to bed, I don't feel too well."

I quickly walked towards the kitchen exit.

"Can I eat your cereal?" Danny called after me.

"Yeah... Whatever..." I replied. I half-ran to my room and closed the door. Beginning the process of reporting every comment that wanted Danny and I to kiss.

[A/N] Ayye! This is my first chapter and also my first time writing a fanfiction in general! I hope you enjoyed this short chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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Danny X Arin: A Game Grumps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now