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First Escape

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"No, Please! Enough! Please!"

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"No, Please! Enough! Please!"

Baron Wolfgang von Strucker ignored the cries of the fourteen year old girl just meters from his stance. She was contained in a mirrored room, everyone outside of it being able to see inside. Her hands were chained with the strongest metal Hydra could find, along with her feet. She couldn't reach up and block out all the noises being emitted from the speakers, her chains clanging every time she tried. Her strength had grown immensely but they had given her something to dub down the strength.

A few scientists were observing and writing down her behaviour. She was supposed to block out the static and find the hidden message that was being replayed. She was trained, well more like forced, to focus on different sounds so she could pinpoint it's location.

It had been three hours. No progress.

Strucker sighed in disappointment, lifting his head at his men and waiting for them to cut the sound. Ana's hands trembled, her damp face lifting up and her lips pulling down in a frown. She was scared all the noise had made her deaf, but when the creak of rusted door alerted her, she sighed out.

The two men dressed in black robotically moved to her and one bent down and unlocked the chains keeping her tethered to the floor as the other stayed still. Once she was free from her holds, they each grabbed her by her elbow and walked her out. She tiredly tried to shake them off, stopping when she saw Strucker step to them, his face pulled up from his cold smile.

Ana gulped, crying out when the two men dropped her weak form in front of his feet. She quickly sat up, knowing he didn't like to be waiting. Strucker sighed, "Subject 2, you have been practising all week to perfect this task. Why did you fail?" He asked, peering down at her.

Ana breathed out, feeling her head pound from the constant noises. "I- I am sorry, sir. But I wasn't r- ready today, I-" She stuttered.

Strucker roughly pulled her up by her dirty white gown, scowling. "This is the last time you will fail me. All you do is fail. You're lucky I only order you around, it's the powerful heads of Hydra that own you and your worthless mutations." He growled, pushing her away from him.

Ana managed to catch her feet and stand up straight. She looked up at him with rage. She was in this hell hole for over a year, always being tested and prodded and pocket at. She was just an experiment to them, an opportunity to be one of their powerful weapons. She only acted like she had no clue on what they were trying to teach her, but in reality she took in everything. Every fighting combo and style, every language she had to learn in one month, everything she was supposed to adapt to.

So she tightened her cut fists, hearing the quiet straining of the metal as it started to break. She planned her moves, as she glared at him. Just one hit with her strength would give her enough time to grab his gun strapped to his hip and his key card that allowed him access to every single entry and exit. The only thing that put a kink in her plan was the word around base that the Winter Soldier was there and he was as strong as her as long as he had that metal arm of his. But that could easily be detached.

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