Chapter 14

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"Mommy...Ma..Ma..Mommy" Chase wailed.

"Chase.... please, stop crying." Mira begged.

"Ahhhh aahhh...... Mo....m...m...y"

"It's okay.. it's okay, Don't cry." Mira tried again.

Chase was playing as usual when suddenly he slipped and scraped his knee. The sudden unexpected hit reminded him of his mommy.

"Uhh...uhh..uh..." he kept on crying. Mira was too scared to see him like this. She tried her best to calm him down but he was giving her hard time. She made sure to apply some antiseptic when his wailing slowed down but the moment he grasped she was applying something he started crying hard.

Mira sighed before pulling her phone to call Sharon.

"Hello" she heard Sharon on the other side "Is everything alright?"

Before Mira could answer Chase cry reached Sharon "Why is he crying?" She paniced.

"He scraped his knee while playing. I washed it and applied Anti septic, but he asking for you. He is been crying continuously."

"I am on my way. I will be there in 10 minutes. Please try to calm him down." She said before she cut the call.

"See... I called mommy she said she is coming in 2 minutes." She said showing her phone. And the phone got his attention. His cute little blue eyes immediately went wide with excitement. There are little reminiscent of tears on his now flushed face. She sighed in relief when she saw his tears stopped.

"I want that..." he said extending his little hands to grab her phone.

"Ah-ah Chase." Mira said pushing her phone into her pant pockets.

"I wanna play game.... I" he started again.

Mira sighed giving her phone to just make him stop crying 'what harm could he do? Her phone is however protected by password.'

But little did she know this little lad has so many tricks up his sleeve.


Lily was anxious. She wanted to know what's happening between Sharon and Chris. Now that he knows about the other son whom Sharon is hiding.

"Where is daddy?" April asked her bringing out of her thoughts.

"He went to meet someone" she replied while resuming to pack her back.

"When will be back?" She asked sipping the Orange juice she found in the fridge.

"I have no idea, April" she said digging heavily.

"Why are you packing? Are we going back?" April asked with a frown fetched on her face.

Lily thought for a second before answering, if both Chris and Lily have to be in newyork by tomorrow morning it was obvious that April was coming with them.

"Yes. Daddy has some important work to do tomorrow" she said wondering how would April recieve the news. The little nugget was looking forward to make most of the trip.

"But... he... promised.." April mumbled. Her eyes already started to tear up.

"April...."Lily said droping the shirt she was folding. "We will come back" she tried to soothe her but April was already running to her room.

Lily followed her into the living room where April curled herself into a ball and was murmuring how no one loves her and all. Lily sighed but couldn't say anything, she just sat rubbed her hand on April's back.

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