15 | Ralph... What???

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The limousine finally stopped, right in front of a five-star hotel called The Luxuria. My jaw dropped at the grandness of the whole place once Jace and I got inside through the revolving door.

I looked up and saw chandelier lights, shining with their gold and diamond glory. Jace led me to a double door and opened it. I swear I almost want to run away again.

Anyone who had only an average income would totally be out of place if they ever stepped into this place. Men and women in lavish clothing and of high ranks in society roamed around the grand hall. A few waiters in white tuxedos walked around carrying circular silver trays, with wine or champagne, some have pastries on them.

"What the hell is this place?" I whispered at Jace.

I flinched when Jace looped my right arm around his elbow. I looked up at him curiously.

"Ask questions later. For now, just behave." He ordered.

I was about to retort back when three people approached us. Two men and one woman. The men wore tailored expensive suits, while the woman wore a dark red dress with a long strip cut up to her thigh.

"Bonsoir, Monsieur Langlois. Comment allez-vous?" One of the men said in French.

Jace smiled. "Très bien, merci."

"Qui pourrait vous être?" The woman looked at me with curious eyes.

I smiled sheepishly. How in the hell could I understand a word she said? I don't speak French. But much to my relief, Jace came to my rescue.

"C'est mon mari. Il s'appelle Kei." Jace said.

I frowned. I heard my name there. Were they talking about me?

I jolted when the two guys took my hand and shook it while saying something in French again. I just smiled stupidly at them, not understanding a word. Then, the two guys left but the woman remained. I frowned when I noticed her expression turned into disgust before leaving.

I tugged at Jace's sleeve. "What were you talking about? I heard my name."

Jace sighed. "They just asked about you."

"And what did you say?"

"I said, this is Kei and he's a drag queen." He winked mischevously.

I gasped and pinched his arm repeatedly. "You did not!"

Instead of wincing in pain, he just laughed as if it's all a joke to him. But for me, it's fucking not.

"I was kidding. I told them that you're my husband."

I stopped breathing for a second, like my heart just froze in place upon hearing what he said. I frowned to myself. Huh, weird. Why am I feeling this way?

"Are you hungry?" Jace suddenly asked.

As if on cue, my stomach rumbled. I blushed just as Jace chuckled and led me to the buffet table. There were lots of different kinds of delicious-looking food, making it hard to choose. Although, the chocolate fountain won my attention over. So without even thinking, I pointed to it.

"I want that one."

Jace looked at the fountain as if it's deadly or something. "Chocolate? You still need to eat dinner first, though."

I shook my head stubbornly, unclasping my hold on Jace's arm and went straight to the chocolate fountain. It was just standing there, flowing out glorious and mouthwatering chocolate. I got tempted, so I was about to grab a small teaspoon when a hand suddenly grabbed one and beat me to it.

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