What a surprise

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We landed and went out. A boy is carrying our bags.

We got in our location and wow...

"This is really beautiful." I said, staring at the beautiful blue sea and white sand.

"You owned this?" Kath asked Jesse.

"Well not me, my dad." Jesse said shrugging.

After some picture here and there, we went to the one of the cottages. I noticed a bag on the couch, definitely not our bag.

"Your friend is here." I said.

"That's odd. I know that we'll come here first. She said she needed to do something." Jesse said.

"Hi honey." I knew that voice.

We turned around.

Then there she was, standing there, leaning on the wall.

"What the hell are you doing here? How did you even got in here?" Jesse asked.

"Well, I'm here couz I wanted to. And the boy let me in couz I mentioned your name." She answered.

"You're not invited!" Jesse said.

"I invited myself." She shrugged.

How can she?

Why is she like this?

"Well, you needed to go now or I'll call security." Jesse said.

"You can't. If you do, I can back out on the wedding and you know what will happened."

"Urgh." Jesse said, not able to say anything anymore.

And she's blackmailing us?

Black Heart (GirlxGirl, lesbian)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ