Chapter 15

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After a nap cuddled up next to him with my head laid on his chest taking his scent in just happy to have this. Just having him beside me put me in a good mood but it didn't take long before we were interrupted and dragged downstairs.

We went downstairs to talk with Sarah, Harry and the rest of the housemate sitting across from each other. Couldn't keep my eyes off of him as he spoke smiling and so intrigued with whatever they were talking about.

Of course, his eyes would make contact with mine making me look away quickly.

Everything seemed fine with what that happened and changed and I was happy. Maybe even better than it was before. "You guys finally showed your faces after being away from everyone all day. Sarah panicked that things would... I reassured her it would be fine" Harry stated smiling at us.

"Guess he was right" Sarah said rolling her eyes as she sat next to me making me laugh looking over to Cam. Kind of wanted him to sit next to me so I could cuddle next to him like before but, I didn't want him to think I was this over-attached girl. I was going to give space even though the feel of being in his arms was perfect.

I looked at him from time to time catching his eyes on me and he would smile back causing my heart to flutter. I couldn't even help it and I hated it. I rolled my eyes laughing and looking at my fingers and he would chuckle because he knew that I knew he heard it.

The whole house could obviously.

There were a lot of cons of living in a house with vampires as you can see but, nothing could beat the pros. Number one was Cameron.

"Is it me or do I feel love in the air?" Harry asked joking making my heart jump as I shot him a glare. He could never let things go.

"No it's not just you" Cam stated making my head snap in his direction leaving me speechless. I just looked at him silently as he just stared back smirking and to kill me, he winked.

I smiled biting my lip and I looked away trying to keep myself together. This wasn't fair. He did all of this and I couldn't do anything but react. I couldn't hide it from him, I couldn't even play hard to get. He would know, they would all know.

The good thing was they didn't speak on it except Sarah and Harry. Sarah still wouldn't put me on the spot in front of him though. That was Harry's job.

"Maybe some sexual tension too" Harry added and everyone started laughing but, I didn't. I was close to jumping over the living room table and killing him.

Since I knew it wouldn't actually happen, I just got up going to the kitchen to get something to drink. I needed a strong one to deal with this. Of course, there was some tension between us and it has been there since the dream. I couldn't help it. I mean look at him. He was beautiful and he showed me the sweet and caring side of him pulling me in deeper and as much as I tried to fight it but, it was impossible. Now I just had to get used to this.

I went through the cabinets and found some Jack and helped myself to a glass and leaned against the table taking a few sips. I sighed feeling the burn down my throat and a warm feeling in my stomach. Haven't drunk in so long, but I needed a buzz at this moment. Trying to get used to this... easier said than done.

"Hard night?" I jumped turning to see him walking in smiling at me taking notice to the cup. "Or should I say week?" he joked and I giggled nodding as he leaned on the counter next to me. I passed it to him "I think you need it more than me" I whispered and he laughed taking it and drinking it. Once he finished it, he put the empty cup down licking his lips watching me. I swallowed hard looking away. It wasn't even sexual, just getting the liquid off his lip and I was losing it.

My mind was going back to the dream but, I was fighting for it to stay away right now.

"How are you feeling?" he asked looking me over like he did before and I knew he was worrying again "Cam, I'm fine. Stop worrying so much" I stated and he rolled his eyes chuckling. Before I knew it, he was in front of me holding my waist. He was calm holding me tightly while my heart was pounding and body shaking.

Why was he doing this to me? What made him change his mood so quick "I can't help it. I just want to make sure you're alright" he simply stated watching me and I just nodded looking away. It fell silent making me look back to him still looking at me silent smiling.

He smiled looking down "What?" I asked. Did I have something on me? Why was he just staring at me? "Should have said it before" "Said what?" I asked quickly and he chuckled letting his hand go to my cheek making a shiver shoot through me at the touch. He studied my face for second as I stood there studying his in amazement still of how he could be real. How could he be mine, and want me like this?

"You're beautiful" he whispered making my heart skip a beat as he continued studying me. I couldn't help but look down trying to hide myself blushing. Only a few have said that to me but, I never believed it... until it left his lips. But even then, I still didn't know how to react to it. I still shied away from it.

"Thank you" I whispered looking at our feet still smiling "I'm serious, you're absolutely gorgeous, Something I could never deny even when I met you" he whispered picking my head up to look into his green eyes. "Really?" I asked laughing nervously as he kissed my forehead. I took a deep breath "Thank you, handsome" Sounded better in my head but, oh well.

He laughed shaking his head "Handsome? Really? I feel old, how about hot or sexy?" he joked and I rolled my eyes scoffing at his cockiness "So you don't think I'm hot?" He asked making me freeze for a second but shook my head. There's no use of lying!

"I didn't say that" I said laughing then looked away taking a deep breath. "You're..." I thought of the word to describe him. All the ones I thought would be an understatement. He took a deep breath watching me as he leaned closer "I sense how you feel about me but, it would be nice to hear it" he smirked so amused by my uneasiness.

I chuckled looking at him then back to the floor "I don't think you're hot. I think... you're gorgeous" I whispered a little nervous but looked up to him seeing the biggest smile i've ever seen on his face. He pushed me against the counter not breaking eye contact "Really?" he asked and I nodded.

"Why?" he asked wanting more than that but, it was killing me.

"Well... you're sweet...funny...caring. You have these beautiful green eyes and smile, crazy but cute curly hair and..." "And?.." He said waiting. "You have an amazing body" I said blushing hoping he wouldn't ask any more questions. I got it all out there fuck it.

He laughed as grabbed my head leaning in slowly as I waited. He pressed his lips to mine, pulled away and did it again but, a little more forcefully making my body heat up instantly and ache for more. I instantly responded wrapping my arms around him wanting to be closer to him.

I was more of the quiet type but with how turned on and excited I was, I wanted him now. I needed him.

I squealed as he picked me up putting me on the counter but, he didn't break the kiss. His hands were on my thighs tight as mine were tangled in his curls wanting more from him than just this kiss. I pulled him closer with my legs wanting no distance between us. Suddenly a low moan slipped out of his throat and he pulled away taking a deep breath leaning his head on mine. His eyes were closed tight. He was trying to control himself but I didn't want that right now. I wanted him naked and on top of me, no questions asked.

"Keep this up and I won't be able to stop" he warned opening his eyes to look at me. His eyes were darker, burned with lust as he bit his lower lip breathing hard. I smiled happily, we were both on the same page.

"Who said I wanted you to" I whispered out quickly still in a daze but, determined to continue this. More determined to live out that dream tonight. 

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