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I was hiding in a bush beside the street, taking a break from my trek to the Winters'. Even though the Winters didn't live far away, I had very little energy and needed to rest. I was worried Momma would find out I was gone and come to look for me. My breaths came in heavy pants and I had trouble holding my head up.

I heard an unclear voice yell to someone and then footprints slapping on the sidewalk, seemingly in a great hurry. It was a person moving quickly in what sounded like a heavy pair of boots.

Carl sometimes wore boots. He was really good at kicking while wearing them.

My breath increased until I was close to hyperventilating. I could almost see Carl ripping me from the bush and taking me back so he could kill me. I could see him handing me over to Momma so she could do her worst.

I made a mistake. I should have stayed and dealt with the beatings and the abuse. Momma and Carl would find me. They would finally kill me.

The footsteps came faster and faster until they seemed to stop altogether. My breaths were panicked gasps and I knew I wasn't being as quiet as I needed to be.

Two hands reached into the bush and pushed the branches aside. I squeezed my eyes together, hoping that if I couldn't see whoever was on the other side, they wouldn't be able to see me. I waited and waited and nothing happened. I cracked one eye open slowly, coming face-to-face with a boy not much older than sixteen. He had blonde hair and murky brown eyes. He was staring at me curiously.

I shook violently, tremors wracking my body. "What are you doing in my Grandma's bushes?" His voice wasn't as deep as Isaiah's but I could tell he was close to his age.

I couldn't answer him. If I could, I'd ask him for help. Instead, I stayed where I was and shook. "Are you playing hide and seek?" He didn't seem to notice any of my bruises obscured by the shadows of the branches. I knew better than to lie to him and shook my head cautiously.

"Where do you live? Are you lost?" I shook my head again.

"Well then go on home. Grandma works hard on these bushes and you're gonna mess them up." I nodded quickly and began to extract myself from the bush.

I stepped out of the bushes cautiously, looking around to ensure I couldn't see Momma or Carl. "Hey, what's the matter with you? Is that blood?"

I tried to walk faster and put distance between us, but my head rushed and my vision blurred. He grabbed my shoulder trying to get my attention and I screeched, scared he would hurt me.

"Dave, I've gotta go. Mom's gonna want me home soon. She's been needing my help lately with Noah and-" I knew his voice. I turned around quickly. "Eden? Is that you? Holy shit! Are you okay?"

Isaiah Winters stood in front of me, seemingly debating whether he should pick me up or keep his distance. He paced, saying cuss words under his breath.

After making up his mind, he got on his knees and held his hand out at me. I cowered and took a big step back. "Eden, let me help you. I'll take you to mom. My mom, Eden. I promise I won't hurt you."

I begged my brain to believe he wouldn't hurt me. Deep down, I knew Isaiah was safe. He had been there for me from the beginning, being a better brother than my own. But my conscience told me I'd trusted people before and couldn't stand to get hurt anymore. If my own family couldn't keep their hands off of me, I didn't know if I could trust anyone.

"Eden, please. We need to check your head. You're bleeding. It's me! I wouldn't hurt you. We miss you at home. We want to help."

I was so dizzy, I felt feverish, my body wasn't responding to me like I needed it to. I knew without his help I wouldn't get far. His kind eyes bore into mine, begging for my trust.

I was a MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now