Chapter 16

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I forgot to dedicate the previous chapter to PinkyGurl for the new cover! I absolutely love it and think it’s super beautiful. Of course, why else would I use it for the cover of Top Floor? So thank you again PinkyGurl and here’s the dedication you absolutely deserve! <3 Love you!


Heath was utterly surprised when Claire suddenly stood up and straddled him on the loveseat. Luckily, due to the shock, his face froze and he looked calm from the provocative positioning of their bodies.

“What’s wrong?” he asked in the same voice as before. He still couldn’t get the feel of her thighs and the sight of them out of his head. And now the image of Claire straddling him on his loveseat was branded into his mind as well.

But at least it seemed everything was going according to his plan.

I think, he thought with a twitch of his brows.

“You’re a tease.” She said in a bitter tone.

He raised an eyebrow. “First I’m a fox, now I’m a tease?”

Claire narrowed her eyes before she brought her hands up and touched the corners of his mouth. Heath reveled in the feel of her and felt like his eyes just might roll to the back of his head. He couldn’t help it either when his tongue flicked out and licked the pad of her fingertip in a slow, languid motion.

Her grip suddenly hardened as she harshly demanded, “Open your mouth.”

And something else of his hardened as well. “What?”

She didn’t back down and looked firm in her request. “Open it.”

“Hm…” he glanced at their glasses. “I’m pretty sure that was just orange juice.”

Claire traced his bottom lip with her finger. “I’m drunk on something else right now.”

Heath smiled tightly. Claire had completely reversed the situation to her advantage, whether she knew it or not. It was impossible that she didn’t know what was happening to his body. After all, she was right on top of the main indicator as to what he was feeling. Heath could feel her, lightly moving her hips in the most delicious motions that wouldn’t have been noticeable if he wasn’t so…hard.

At first, he was the one teasing her, making Claire bark on his command. But now, it was the other way. She had power over him. One slight touch and he might just crumble. But she was holding back, knowing it would just make him fall that much harder.

“And what is that?” Heath asked as he moved his arms to rest on the back of the loveseat.

Claire’s eyes went back to his lips. “Open your mouth and I’ll show you.”

Though Heath was nervous that he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back, he couldn’t deny the fact that having Claire on top of him was an enticing scene. Her seduction skills were also much more advanced than he thought. But the only reason why he hadn’t gotten a chance to see her that way was because she didn’t show an interest in other men while he was around.

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