Chapter Ten

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I closed my eyes because of the unexpected noise. When I open them a moment later, Frank is nowhere to be found.

Why did the alarm go off? Did someone break in? Dear God, are they coming for me again?

Adrenalin mixes with fear. I don't know what to do, except searching for Frank. I push myself off the floor. With small and quiet steps I head to the front of the house.


I freeze. What was that?!

I run towards the door, which has widely opened. In front of it, a blond man sits on the floor with one hand covering a part of his face, and the other hand holding defensively in the air at Frank.


I approach to help him, but Frank blocks my way with his arm. He has blood on his hand. And it's not his. I push him away. "Don't touch me." I kneel aside Lucas. "Are you okay?"

He sighs. "Yeah, I'm okay." He moans quietly and looks with his uncovered eye at Frank.

"Let me see." I say and reach for his hand covering his left eye. On the left side above his eye, there is blood coming from a wound. "Oh no. Let me take care of that." I help Lucas stand on his legs and lead him to the kitchen. On the way, I cast an angry look at Frank, who is standing with his arms folded, like always. I can't believe he just hit Lucas.

In the kitchen, I look for the first aid kit. Lucas sits on the stool. "Listen, I'm okay. You don't have to..."

"No, I do. I'm sorry for all this, it shouldn't have happened." I gently wash the blood from the left side of his face.

''I'm sorry if I'm being too direct, but is he your boyfriend or something?"

I laugh. Only a couple of minutes ago, we lied on the floor together and I'm not sure what would've happened if the alarm didn't go off. It all looks ridiculous when I think about it now. Maybe I'm a bit attracted to the mystery floating around Frank and his strong appearance, I can admit that. But that doesn't change the fact that I don't know him and I don't know what he's capable of, as it has nicely been illustrated a minute ago.

''No, he's not my boyfriend.'' I say without emotion. ''My dad had to leave the country for a while and he hired a babysitter, or a 'bodyguard' as he calls it.''

Lucas breathes sharply when I touch the wound with the cotton.

I stop for a moment. "Why are you here?"

He shifts his posture. "I left my jacket here, last Friday."

Right. I actually ran away with it, but I like your formulation better.

He continues when I start nursing his wound again. "And I thought it would be a good excuse to ask you something."

"If I have escaped from a mental facility? No. But that's exactly what one would say if he did, right?"

He laughs. "Don't worry, I wasn't thinking that." He probably considered it though. "I'm giving a party at my house this Friday and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

Oh. I can't decide, so I slightly change the subject. "Don't you have school?"

He shakes his head. "We, poor students, have vacation as well, Elle."

I nod. "And your parents are okay with you throwing a party in their house?"

He hesitates before answering. "They left on a vacation to the Bahamas today, I didn't want to bother them by asking." He smiles a half-smile. God, how can he still look handsome when he's hurt? "I've invited some friends, it's going to be fun. What do you think?"

How can I decline? It's like saying no to a puppy: impossible. "Yeah, okay, count me in." I'm kind of excited: it should be fun. "Okay, all done. The cut should heal soon, but the skin around it will turn blue or purple in the next few days." I feel really bad for him. How could this have happened?

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'll just tell my friends I've been in a fight against three big guys to save a damsel in distress." I laugh. At least his humor didn't suffer from the hit. "I'll get your jacket, give me a moment."

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