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Tyson POV

I leaned in more than what was necessary if I was wrestling her. She didn’t seem to mind. That is to say, she wasn’t trying to get away. I stared at her eyes before my gaze fell on her lips. I lowered my head…

“I don’t know who the hell you are, but get your fucking hands off her! NOW!” Someone’s furious unfamiliar growl interrupted.


I looked up and sat a little straighter, but didn’t move away from Alex.

The guy that was glaring furiously at me right now seemed a few years older than us. He was dressed in a sleeveless dark green turtleneck and blue jeans. He was taller than me – at about six feet, and a little bulkier. He had short brown hair and brown eyes that somehow reminded me of Alex’s.

“So, this is Kevin?” I turned to the girl again.

“Yep!” She chirped cheerfully. “This is my cousin.”

“Lexie, you know this guy?” The boy queried.


“No, Kev, I just invite random people over and play-wrestle with them,” she answered sarcastically.

“Knowing you, I wouldn’t be surprised if you did! Although I don’t think that is a wrestling position,” he said once again glaring at me.

“Sure it is!” I smirked at him.

“It seems more like a fucking pose to me!” He snarled.

“No, it’s not.” I knew I wasn’t being exactly honest here but I kept going. “I should recognize it; I fight all the time.”

“And do you have your hands on the hips of all of the people you wrestle with?”

Oops! How and when did they get there?

“Kevin…” Alex cut in calmly. “Even if we were screwing, it wouldn’t be any of your business!”

“Of course it would be, Lexie! You’re my baby cousin!” He shouted at her, but his voice lacked the edge with which he spoke to me.

“No, I’m your younger cousin. I’m not a little child anymore.”

“Just get up already!” He ordered, irritated that he couldn’t argue with her logic.

I reluctantly stood up and offered her my hand.

“So who is this boy anyway, Lexie?”

“Just the father of my child,” she stated with a playful wink at me.

Her cousin froze.

“He… Y-y-you? When… Pregnant not?… Are you?” He rubbed his chest finding it hard to breathe.

Alex burst out laughing.

I swear I’ll never get used to how loud this girl laughs!

“No, Kev, I’m not pregnant! Remember that whole baby doll project I told you about? The one that ended this week? Ty and I were partnered together.”

“Oh, thank God! I’m too young to be an uncle!” The immense look of relief on his face made me snicker.

“You’re too young? What about me?” Alex exclaimed. “Besides, you know how I feel about babies.”

“So even after that project, you still haven’t gotten over your baby-phobia?” He asked seriously.

“You…” I turned wide-eyed at her. “You’re afraid of babies? Tiny, little babies?” Now it was my turn to laugh. “So that’s why you freaked out when the project started!”

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