Dealing with trolls or confused therians/otherkin

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• Dealing with trolls or confused therians/otherkin •
In the therian/otherkin community there will be people pretending to be someone they are not or confused therians/otherkin with questions about therianthropy and was given the wrong information. But if you see someone that is confused about therianthropy or have questions about it, try the best you can to explain the definition of what a therian/otherkin is and answer their questions if you know it. If you know someone else that can help them, recommend them to that person.

If you see a troll, don't start a fight. But kindly ask why they don't like therians/otherkin and talk with them about it. If they attack, block and or report them.
After that, stay calm and talk with someone to soothe you or to help you be at peace again. You are amazing and special in every way. And no one should be able to take your shine away. ^-^

If need any more information, corrections, or have questions, please comment c:

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