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Toothless pumped his wings fast and hard. They raced through the forest faster than they've ever flown before. The village was already starting to go up in flames. "What are they doing way out here?" Hiccup's mind raced as he tried to understand what was going on. Then a thought slipped in, "A-Are they here because of us?"

'But how could they of even know?' Toothless attempted to find an answer but he focused his mind on getting to the village.

Why would they even attack? Hiccup though, Oswlad is a peacekeeper.

Once they made it to the village Toothless landed as far from the flames as he could. Hiccup's heart raced in panic as he watched his new home go up in flames. Both human and dragon screams of terror echoed in his ears from every direction. Hiccup may of been smack in the middle of an inferno but he plainly felt the cold chill of fear and panic freeze him in his spot...he didn't know what to do. He just stood and watched as buildings collapsed and people burn to death. Tears tried to fall but the intense heat singed the water as quickly as it came.

'Hiccup!' Toothless' nudge snapped Hiccup back into the world. 'Don't just stand there. We need to help people!' The black dragon ran towards trapped people and attempted to assist them.

Hiccup spun in every direction, looking for people to help. Smoke began to fill his lungs and blur his vision. Suddenly he found himself all alone, "Toothless!" He cough out the smoke in his lungs, "ANYBODY!?" Soon a faint outline of a shadow appeared before Hiccup, "Agnus?" Hiccup squinted his eyes and the outline become clearer. It was a Beserker warrior. The man roared out and swung his word. Hiccup fell backwards, he dropped his new sword among the flames. The man raised his sword again and Hiccup braced for impact. But then he heard the sound of metal on metal. He glanced up and saw Angus standing in front of him, protectively. How the Chief found Hiccup in this Hell was unknown but he thanked the Gods anyways. Agnus knocked the man back, then he readied for battle. But first he turned towards Hiccup, "Get Toothless and get out of here."

Hiccup gathered himself, "What!? I can't leave you guys!" He stole his glance at the mighty man only to find his sword, which he did rather quickly.

"No. A Chief protects his own. Now. Run, "Agnus ordered.

Hiccup didn't want to abandon his new home. But he had no choice but to follow Agnus' order. He turned and searched for Toothless. Hiccup waved away the smoke with his free and and scanned the area. His heart sank as he spotted dead bodies one after another. Where were the dragons? And why were they not defending the village? He soon reached his answer. Before him laid dozens of dead dragons. Roars of dragons echoed above him. Hiccup stood in dread as he watched dragons fall dead to the ground. He prayed that Toothless wouldn't be one of them. "Toothless!" Hiccup raced through the flames, he felt the tingle of the heat as he passed by.


"Toothless?" Hiccup spun towards the sound of his dragon's all. Toothless was standing nearby the woods, women and children were running off to safety. Hiccup ran over to Toothless.

'Hiccup what do we do?' Toothless squinted his eyes from the smoke.

"We have to leave," Hiccup told his friend.

'Just leave?' Toothless scanned the raging fire, 'Why?'

Hiccup sighed, "I don't wan to...but Agnus told me to."

Toothlrss looked up at Hiccup with sad eyes, 'W-What about everybody?'

Hiccup clucked his sword, his heart breaking. "They'll be fine," Hiccup whispered. He climbed onto Toothless' back and they took off, high above they flew. They looked down at the remains of the village. Hiccup was surprised by how fast it burned. He forced himself to turn away, to not look back. Hiccup sat the sword on his lap and cried silently.


Hiccup and Toothless had been flying for a few minutes, they've been above the forest. It was quiet.

'Where do we go now?' Toothless didn't bother hiding the tears.

"I dunno," Hiccup answered with a sound of defeat in his voice.


Hiccup looked to where that came from. A Boa Sling flung through air a t him. But then it suddenly flashed into a big net. Before he could reach the net wrapped itself around Toothless. They crashed against the trees before smacking the ground hard. Hiccup managed to wiggle free of the net but Toothless was still caught in it snare. Hiccup crouched down and began to cut away at the rope.

'W-Who is that?'

Hiccup stopped cutting away and turned towards whoever was there. A light from a torch crept closer and closer to them. "Dad?" When the light stopped Hiccup saw who it was. "D-Dagur?"

"Surprise Hiccup," the crooked man snickered.

Hiccup forced himself to face him bravely, "W-What are you doing here?"

" reason," Dagur chuckled, "Just...doing a favor from your dad."

"My dad!?" Hiccup was puzzled, "My father would never ask for this!"

"Yea, your right," Dagur agreed, " He just wanted me and my men to find you and bring you home...He, however, didn't say anything about any villages you may be at. He just wants your home." Dagur chuckled menacingly.

Does he really want him home? After all that happened? "I doubt that Dagur. Did he specifically ask you to kill Toothless?"

"No," Dagur admitted, "Actually he want both of you back alive."

Now that had to be a lie. "Just...leave us alone."

"Oh no," Dagur smiled evilly, "Not until I get me that Night Fury!"

"You said that my dad wanted us both alive," Hiccup eyed Dagur, watching his every movement.

"He did," Dagur dropped the torch and pulled out his sword, "But I never keep a deal." Dagur suddenly sprinted forward.

Hiccup raised his sword, hoping somehow it stops the attack. With simple ease Dagur shoved Hiccup to the side. Hiccup landed a few feet from them. He gathered himself and turned towards Dagur. The insane man raised his sword above Toothless' head, ready to strike.

"NO!" It was as if time had slowed down. Hiccup grabbed his sword. He raced towards them. Hiccup stood in front Toothless, closed his eyes, and swung his sword. And then time started up again. Hiccup felt something sticky splatter all over him. He slowly opened his eyes. His heart sank.

"W-What the hell?" was all that Dagur could say as blood trickled down his chin.

Hiccup stared at his blood stained sword as it pierced Dagur's throat. Dagur's sword slipped out of his hand. He rag dolled to the ground and Hiccup's sword slipped out of Dagur's throat and Hiccup's hand and crashed to the floor. Hiccup just stood there.

Toothless shook off the shock and snapped free, 'We have to go Hiccup!' The dragon could hear more men coming, 'COME ON HICCUP!'

Still in shock Hiccup grabbed his sword and climbed onto Toothless. They disappeared into the night.

How To Train Your Dragon: ScarsWhere stories live. Discover now