THREE: terror

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PICTURED: Isobel Giles

   If Gia stabbed me in the eyeball with her eyeliner one more time I was going to kill her.

   Despite my protests, she still insisted I should be grateful that she was offering her expertise to make me look good for the party. It wasn't like a pair of wings across my eyelids would miraculously make me confident, though.

   "Hey, you guys should try this tequila my sister bought me for graduation last year," Isobel said, not hesitating to enter my room with a handful of shot glasses. Maybe makeup wouldn't help my confidence, but alcohol sure stood a chance.

   When my chest was warm and my eyes were framed with black we made our way down the staircase and towards our destination, Echo, a club just off of campus. On any regular night, it would most likely be dead. We weren't exactly in a big city, and even though the young-people population was substantial because of the university it still didn't hold enough to fuel a busy clubbing industry regularly.

   Tonight though, was the annual start of semester party, designed for all the new and returning students to socialise. All of our friends were going, Isaac included.

   The three of us linked arms, trudging down the darkened streets, the footpaths wet with evening dew. The sound of crickets was loud around us, the surrounding national park housing an abundance of insects and wildlife.

   Outside, club Echo barely looked like a club. But, after following vague instructions and travelling down a staircase beneath what looked like a general store, sure enough, clusters of teenagers greeted us. As soon as we entered the club I shed my jacket, the humidity striking me despite how cool the air had been outside.

   "Want to get drinks?" Gia asked. I sensed Isobel was at least a little inexperienced as I was, her arm hung awkwardly above the elbow of her other.

   "Sure," I said, amplifying my voice as much as possible so it would carry over the music.

   Gia grinned and led us towards the bar, her hips swaying a little to the beat. Since when did she frequent a club enough to be so comfortable?

   There were already plenty of people around, most hanging in groups and sipping drinks, some taking shots and tapping their glasses together in booths. The place was pretty fancy, the decor taking a trend with crystals. Chandelier's, which looked like they were worth a lot less than they first appeared, dangled on the high ceilings above us, surrounded by coloured strobe lights.

   The dance floor was large and tiled, holding a few different levels. I could already see a bunch of drunk girls swaying upon a platform which seemed too high to be safe, and I smiled to myself. Even though they were clearly heavily intoxicated, they looked like they were having so much fun.

   Just as Gia had ordered us a round of drinks, the rest of the group found us, Gia and Bel already embracing them. I hovered on the edge a little awkwardly before a girl, Kate, who I'd exchanged a handful of words with, pulled me into a welcoming hug. I was relieved with the contact.

   And then I locked eyes with Isaac, and instead of cowering away, I decided to push my confidence and met his gaze evenly, before an embarrassed smile crept onto my face and I was forced to look away. Somehow, word that he could like me was giving me some hope that I could flirt with him. It was probably destined to end terribly.

   Then I felt Isobel's elbow dig into my waist as she raised her eyebrows in an enthusiastic gesture, heating my cheeks even further. This would not be easy if they were going to make a big deal of it.

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