Chapter Five

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After I dropped off the Lieutenant, I sat in the parking lot to listen to my missed calls. I now had three missed calls from Michael and two from the Victor. I really should keep my phone on vibrate, but even then I probably would still ignore calls. Since I was home, I decided to call Michael back and then listen to the lieutenant's messages and get back to him at the station, but first I would listen to the messages.

Message one of five at nine twenty six a.m.

Hey, Carly. It's Michael. I wanted to apologize for this morning, I was out of line and shouldn't have taken Maggie there. I mean, we have a schedule and I should have respected that. So, I hope you'll accept my apology.

Message two of five at nine fifty three a.m

It's Michael again. I was wondering if you could stop by later when you're not busy. It's about a case. Thanks again.

Typical Michael, first he apologizes and then he calls back saying what he needs from you, I rolled my eyes. Just as planned, I'd drop by Michael's office. I didn't feel that the other call from his was necessary, since he probably just wanted to try and reach me again. The two calls from Victor I could erase since he must have information regarding the case, which he would tell the Lieutenant.

I started my car for what seemed to be the fifth time today and sped towards Michael's office. The time from the precinct to the DA's office is about fifteen minutes, but it took me longer to get there since there seemed to be some sort of accident. This turned fifteen minutes into almost thirty and the time read ten twenty-nine.

When I was about two minutes away from his office, I got a call. I glanced to see who was calling and it was the lieutenant. I did the safe thing and pulled over to answer the call.

"This is Sergeant Houston."

"Sergeant, I'm going to need you to come back to the station, something important has come up and I need you back here now."


"Houston, that's an order. Get here as fast as you can, this is an emergency."

"Yes, Lieutenant," I replied and made a u-turn. The road was a little clearer, but it took me about another half hour to get back to the precinct. I parked in my designated parking spot and passed through the security point like I did that same morning.

Once I got inside, the atmosphere was serious. The lieutenant was talking to the detectives who were all attentively listening. My phone buzzed and I glanced at it to ignore another call from Michael. I walked up to the listening detectives, and the lieutenant stopped talking. All eyes turned on me. All with sympathetic looks.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Houston, why don't you step into my office," offered Lieutenant Ace.

"No, I'm alright. Whatever you need to tell me, you can tell me in front of the squad," I replied.

He sighed, "It's Sterling, turns out the warden gave me the wrong time. He's scheduled or was scheduled to be moved at nine, I guess there was a mix-up with the schedule or something."

I looked at him, "you're kidding," but even I knew a guy as serious as him wouldn't joke about something like this.

"I've been trying to reach the warden and she's not picking up, but I'm sure that everything is fine and the reason she's not picking up is because she's dealing with Sterling," he tried reassuring.

I scoffed, "yeah, she's probably been busy with him for half an hour, you couldn't have told me this over the phone?"

"Look, if it's okay with the lieutenant I'll drive you there," Lauren cut in before an argument broke out, "it will only take fifteen minutes, max, we'll find the warden. Walter, Dan and Victor can fill each other in about what we found and the crime scene. We'll be back before you know it, Lieutenant."

He looked at Lauren, "fine, fifteen minutes maximum, now get out of here before I change my mind."

I walked with Lauren to her car and whispered a thank you. She smiled at me and then drove towards the prison. I couldn't help but feel nervous the whole five minutes. I don't know what drove me to feel like I had to watch him get into the van. I guess it was my own closure, that I could feel safe once he was put inside. I wouldn't have to worry about him escaping or being so close to home.

"We're here," Lauren said as she started to park.

"Thank you for doing this for me, Lauren. You don't know how much it means to me."

She smiled, "we're a team. I know you would do the same for me. Now let's get in there, we've only got fifteen minutes!

We got inside of the prison through the visitor's part of it and then we were directed towards the warden. She greeted us with a smile as if there was nothing to worry about.

"Warden, I'd like to assume you haven't checked your calls? How did the transfer of Sam Sterling go?" I asked straight and bluntly.

"Hello to you to, Sarg. I haven't had the chance to check my calls, if you haven't noticed I have a prison to run," the warden explained.

And you're doing such a fine job, I thought sarcastically.

"As for the transfer of Mister Sterling, it went well. He's in the van as we speak and-" she was cut off by a telephone ringing.

I looked at her, "are you going to get that?" I asked.

If looks could kill, "Los Angeles Prison, warden speaking," there was pause and he face fell, "I'll alert the police," she hung up and then started to dial another number.

"What?" I asked desperately, "what happened?"

"Mister Sterling has escaped," she calmly replied as my heart sunk into my stomach.

My worst nightmare came true but Sam escaping was just the beginning.


(A/N: I'm extremely exhausted, it's 10:30 P.M. and I edited three chapters in about two, two and a-half hours. I do hope you enjoyed this chapter, though. If you did, please don't forget to comment, vote, and/or share! Thanks!~Andrea)

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