Chapter 8

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Heyyyy, chapter 8 for you guys!


Sneaking quietly into my father's room, I tiptoed past his bed to my left. He wasn't even home but being in this room felt forbidden, as though I was trespassing in my own home. I glanced around, my eyes settling on the mirror. I examined my crouched position, my arms bent in an attempt to balance myself on my toes. Suddenly flushing in embarrassment, I straightened. I shouldn't even be creeping about, this was my father's room. I should be able to walk around and not be able to hear my heart beating twice as fast as normal.

Walking normally, my eyes subconsciously swept the room, assessing any sort of danger. Once I had finally decided there was no way for father to find out I was here, I slipped past his bathroom door, the smell of alcohol tainting the air. I gagged and held my nose, managing to reach the other side of the room without some kind of explosion.

I'm not sure what I was expecting to happen but whatever it was, my brain apparently found it fearful enough to make my hands sweat nervously. Finally I found the record player and grinned, unplugging the back and lifting it. I grunted under the weight but found a way to carry it to my room, sighing heavily once I had placed it down.

I took a Beatles record called 'I Want To Hold Your Hand'. They were famous in the UK apparently, but I'm sure that they'll become famous here soon. I hadn't heard many of their songs but I loved this song. It began playing, the first few notes ringing out of the record player and I smiled.

Taking out a notebook, I began drawing, letting my mind wander as my hand floated across the page. Maybe once Sammy and I were out of this place, I'd become an artist. That would be an amazing job, although I had never really thought about my future. I suppose I was only twelve so I didn't really need to think about it. Or maybe a historian, I love history anyway. I glanced down at the page and found I had just drawn a border of swirls.

I decided to concentrate on drawing and drew a wolf, trying to make it a realistic as possible. Apparently Tommy's brother, Miles, loved wolves and I just knew he'd love this picture. We were supposed to be meeting in the forest later so I'd bring it with me.

Sammy popped his head round my door, joining in with the song in a horrific singing voice. I yelled with a face of disgust, 'Stop! You're ruining it!' He continued to sing louder, forcing me to drop my pencil and stick my fingers in my ears. 'You are so annoying!'

As the song reached the end, he stepped in my room and gave a proper show, holding a hand over his heart and singing the last note. I couldn't help but laugh at the concentrated look on his face, for someone who was concentrating that hard he wasn't doing well. Taking a breath, he grinned, 'Let's play it again!'

'No!' I screamed, shooting out of my chair and lunging for the player, standing in front of it protectively.

'Fine, whatever.' He muttered, feigning a look of hurt. He peeked at me from the corner of his eye but at the sight of my folded arms and flat look, he instantly cheered up, 'So, what are you drawing?'

My eyes narrowed, 'Would you look at that? You cheered up quickly.' He grinned sheepishly at me, ignoring my accusing stare. He stepped towards my drawing and stared at it, opening his mouth to comment when there were crunching footsteps on the drive. 'Is that father?' I exclaimed, eyes widening as I rushed to my window and sure enough, he was walking up the drive. At least he wasn't stumbling.

'Quick! Go and put the record player away or he'll know you were in his room. I'll distract him.'

He was rushing from the room but I ran after him, grabbing his arm. 'Are you crazy? Who knows what he'll do to you? I'll distract him, go quickly!' Before he could protest, I pushed past him and flew down the stairs.

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