1. Rose, like the flower?

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"Flower, You can't catch me!" Ashton shouted as he made his way towards the backyard, running from me. I was trying my best to catch him but was failing miserably. He's fast! I increased my pace and ran after him, I was about a foot away from him when my ankle twisted and I fell on my knees, wounding them in the process. Ashton turned around, probably hearing my cry, "Flower! Are you okay?" he ran back to me and helped me get up, I barely stood up and leaned on him as he took me to the nearest bench to help me sit down.

"You're bleeding. I'm going to call Aunt Teresa, you just sit here and wait, okay?" he said in his tiny voice. I just nodded my head in approval as he ran inside. I will not be able to walk with a bruised knee anyway. I met Ashton a few months ago. He is the son of Mom's family friend. They originally lived in Cynthrane and came here to visit Ash's grandmother who was sick. The doctors said she does not have much time left. Therefore they decided to stay here and spend more time with her. We saw each other almost a year ago for the first time at Aunt Stella's wedding, who was my mom's sister. I still remember how shy he was when we were getting introduced; he did not remember my name and asked me again when we first talked to each other. I smiled at the memory playing in my head.

I was sitting on one of the chairs, looking at the decorations. It was my first time attending a fancy event and I could not help but admire the beautiful place. The dress I was wearing was a baby pink knee length frock, simple yet elegant. My short blonde hair were hanging lose over my shoulders, with a silver flower hair band pushing them out of my face. I saw Ashton standing and looking for something, when his eyes landed on me, he smiled and gave a small wave. I waved back and tugged a strand of hair behind my ear.

He approached me and sat on the chair next to mine. I was still a shy person with no friends but looking at Ashton, I felt he was just like me. He may have friends but he was shy just as me. "What were you looking for?" I asked him when I remembered he was searching for something before coming to me. "I dropped my bow tie somewhere."He said looking down at the ground. He was wearing a cute black coat over white shirt and black pants.

"Oh." Was all I could manage. He lifted his gaze and his expression held confusion, he looked at me shyly and asked, "Um I forgot your name, sorry I don't remember, can you tell me again?" He asked while I giggled. "My name is Rose." I said looking down at my hands and playing with my fingers. "Rose like the flower?" He wondered and I nodded confused, "Yeah maybe like the flower." I whispered back.

Suddenly his face lit up and he smiled showing his missing tooth. "I'll call you flower, is that okay with you?" He asked. I felt my lips curl up in a smile, no one has ever thought of a nick name for me. And flower doesn't seem so bad. I eagerly nodded, "Sure. I'll call you Ash." I stated. He does not seem to mind and nodded his head. "Friends?" He beamed in excitement extending his hand towards me. I smiled taking his hand and shaking it. "Friends."

He was the first friend I made and the only one I have till now. I can share everything with him, not that I have much to share but that day I thought maybe I'll be able to move on and make my social circle wide.

"Rose, what happened? Ashton told me you were hurt." Mom came running from the house towards me. She stopped when she saw my bruised knee. I looked up at her embarrassed, because she told me not to wear my flats while running and I disobeyed her. Its not that I do not listen to her, I love her very much, but sometimes my eight year old mind decides to tease her just a bit, after all I accepted her as my mother. I can do that much right?

"Sorry mom. I'm fine though, it's just a little scratch." I said smiling, hiding my pain behind, although it hurt so much. She gave me a small smile and picked me up. "Come on let's get you cleaned up, baby girl." She said making her way towards the back door of our big house.

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