12|| Knight to C6

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12|| Knight to C6

Hermione finds herself in one of those times of the year where all the teachers seem to give assignments out like candy on Halloween. From the various papers in Defense to the practical Transfiguration exams, Hermione finds herself in a rush to simply sleep and eat around the multiplicity of assignments. And though, in the past, she would have loved the challenge, Hermione finds herself becoming irritated with the professors since she cannot find the time to research the Deathly Hallows or horcruxes like she must. With anger mounting and exhaustion unending, Hermione is bound to explode at some point.

But then there is Clary to calm her down each time, their time together unending given their long hours spent in the library, studying. Hermione sees little of Abraxas given her vanished free-time, but Hermione knows all about his current activities given Clary's infatuation with the boy. However, as lovely as they are, it's becoming another irritant to the hidden Gryffindor spirit. And thus, it comes as no surprise when she releases her anger at the first prodding of a Knight.

The wednesday night training is strewn with the tension of Hermione, her magic crackling around the boys as they await her direction. She paces in front of their gathered ranks, ignoring the fact that this duelling room is that of the D.A. many years in the future. And yet, to the extent that she ignores the thought, it plays on her loneliness.

"Today we will be perfecting the Incarcerous spell and the counterspell, Relashio," Hermione tells them, her tapping feet irritating the large number of them

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"Today we will be perfecting the Incarcerous spell and the counterspell, Relashio," Hermione tells them, her tapping feet irritating the large number of them. "In either case, you point at your target and mutter the appropriate words. You should have learned this years ago, so I expect little difficulty. Begin."

    Hermione observes the duels with her typical demeanor, if not slightly more hostile, as she points out their faults and fixes their stances

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Hermione observes the duels with her typical demeanor, if not slightly more hostile, as she points out their faults and fixes their stances. And though the spell is not one of great challenge, many find problems with it, including the haughty-as-ever Lestrange.

"Robastian, it's 'in-KAR-ser-us,' not 'in-kar-SER-us.' And do not move your wand as you move a sword, just point," Hermione tells him with her notorious know-it-all attitude. And, to the extent that Hermione is stressed, Lestrange is too, pushed over the edge by her nagging voice and endless criticisms.

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