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Paige's POV:

"Where are we going?" I ask Crow as we walk into the building full of people. I stay close to her side, trying to avoid the chatting, yelling, and running people with luggages and phones in their hands and on their ears. Why is this place is so busy?

"We're getting out of here." Crow replies, carrying her backpack with our clothes, money, licenses, and food.

"To where?" I walk to the other side of her as the big man almost bumps into me. I give him a mean look and he just walks away quickly. I move closer to Crow when I saw the sliver in his eyes before he could looks away.

"Away from here."

I wonder where we're going. We're just in the airport, trying to find a plane that can takes us to anywhere from here and it's hard since all of the planes are busy. I also wonder why this place is so busy. What's up with this?

"Miss." The police stops us from entering into the lounge. He has many piercings all over his face, making his cold blue eyes looks deadly and serious with his black spiky hair. I read the label on his breast pocket and it says Darkred. I grow suspense by that name. That's a unusual name.

"Yes, officer? Is there something wrong?" Crow asks nicely, looking at Darkred.

"Are you two looking for a ride?" He asks.

"Yes, we are."

"Follow me." And with that, he turns around and starts to walk to the empty hall where it's classified.

"I don't trust him, Crow." I whisper to Crow as we follow him.

"I don't either. But let's see what he has for us. Why not miss this chance? What if he's just being helpful?"

We keep on following him until we get outside, seeing the small silver private jet waiting for anyone to hop on. I look around to see more officers closing in.  I gulp nervously. This is not good. I don't like the look of this.

"Where are you taking us?" Crow asks Darkred as we stop following, sensing the danger that we are in.

"Oh yeah, we'll be taking both of you to a nice place where you'll get whatever you want." Darkred answers, his face darkening.

"Crow..." I whimper, watching him turning into a mass of shadow and darkness. It takes form and it stands six feet tall, the bulky figure with no face or anything. I move closer to Crow, glancing at the other officers to find them doing the same.

"I got this." She rises her hand and the black clacking mass of ball forms on her hand.  She holds it near her shoulder, getting ready to throw at any of the enemies. I can only rise both of my closed hands, also getting ready for a fight. And it won't be pretty.

Darkred disappears and Crow whips around to smash the balled up fist into his face behind her, the sounds of cracking fill the air. The Shadowmen close in, some of them are disappearing and some of them are running towards us. I sense something by my side and I swing my fist to my side, feeling the hard cold subject connecting on my fist. I gasp from the cold, but I didn't stop punching the figure. I swing again and again, spinning around to hit different figures around me. Some of them manage to dodge my fist, but they didn't know I can kick. Hard. I feel the cold wind behind me and I kick backward, pushing the figure away from me.

I catch a quick look over my shoulder to see Crow smashing her fists on the figures around her, roaring as well with her fangs sticking out of her mouth. I feel something cold touches my feet and I look down to see black mass forming around them. I try to lift my foot, but the mass had made it stuck to it, unable to move. I start to panic and I whip my head back to Crow, screaming, "Crow!"

She meets my gaze and I could see the fear in her red eyes. She hurriedly punches the figure close to her and tries to make her way to me. There were too many. It's impossible and I'm getting weaker at each second as the mass forms up to my stomach. All I can feel is the coldness which is causing me having black spots and making me dizzy. I hear her crying out something, but I couldn't catch what she had said.

"Crow..." I groan, feeling my body shutting down.

The last thing I remember was passing out...

Skywar's POV:

I watch as Paige's body slowly falls to the ground, the black shadow disappearing from her. I glance at Crow, seeing her body falling to the ground as well. I sigh, feeling sorry for the young wolf. I shouldn't done this to her, but I can't hide her forever without the cure. There's no other way to get that, left alone having her be taken away to the Shadow King and be given the cure.

"I see you are here." I hear Shadow says behind me and I didn't dare to move a inch.

"Did you bring it?" I feel my jaw clutches from the feelings that I have.

"Yes, my lady. You did the right thing for her." And with that, the box appears near my black ankle boots and I feel his cold aura disappears.

I look up again to see the Shadowmen picking up Paige and carrying her into the jet. I think of the spell and softly whisper, "Tel reh etam dinf reh."

I can feel the spell taking my energy and starts to work on the she-wolf. I hope this spell will works on her, otherwise her mate might never finds her again. Like forever...

Hi guys, me again. Just letting you know that sorry, this is kind of short. I had been so busy and such. Also, I will be going to camp for a whole week next week and I'm not sure if I'm able to update chapters since it's hard to get internet out in the forest. But I will work on this and update after camp week. Thank for understanding me and supporting my book. Two thousand and ninety people are reading this and I got to say that I'm so happy that y'all are enjoying this wonderful book and supporting me with this. I love you all and keep on reading.

Comment or vote, thank.


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