Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

"That is a dandy of a horse, Liam," Chase said before whistling low and running his hand across the black stallion's side.

"I'd been after this beast for years," Liam noted.

Kyle chuckled. "It took a woman to get things done."

Chase sighed. "And a pretty woman at that. Where is Emma today? I was hoping I might get to see her."

Kyle snorted. "If I were a jealous man, I might be worried."

Chase winked. "You're the only man for me."

Kyle crossed his arms over his chest and raised a brow. "But Emma's a woman."

Instead of saying anything further, Chase leapt forward and wrapped Kyle in a bone-crushing hug. "No need to be jealous, Kyle. I'm yours. Besides—" He glanced at Liam who was watching the duo with mild amusement. "Liam scares me."

Liam rolled his eyes and headed out of the barn. "Emma wanted to spend some time in town today so I took her this morning. She's riding back with Anita this afternoon."

Truth was, Liam was happy that Emma had decided to go to town. It had been a week since she'd been attacked on that mountain and Liam had been worried she'd retreat back into her shell and lose what progress she'd made since escaping her father.

But Emma seemed to have shaken it off—though he'd heard her whimpering and crying in her dreams at night and done his best to comfort her.

Patrick had been good for Emma during the last week. Liam was angry over the attack and still fairly on edge. Patrick, however, was his usual carefree self and he'd kept Emma company.

Liam hadn't spoken a word to anyone else about that day. He figured it wasn't anyone's business unless Emma chose to tell them. Hell, Liam probably wouldn't have even told his father about it if Patrick hadn't caught him at such a vulnerable moment.

"So, are you gonna sell that horse?" Kyle asked.

Liam sighed. "I had planned on it. But, I think Emma's attached to him. I'll have to have a talk with her before I decide anything."

"Yep. Can't make a step without that old ball and chain," Chase noted.

Liam glared at his brain addled friend. "How about you do something useful with yourself today?"

"Good luck with that," Kyle muttered.

"I'm always useful," Chase grumbled.

Liam grinned. "My cabin needs a couple new rooms. I need logs to build them with. You two up for some lumberjacking today?"


"Emma, sweetheart, is there something bothering you?" Anita asked as the two sat in the swing on the porch and watched the townsfolk bustling about their day.

Emma forced a smile. "No, of course not. I'm just feeling a little tired."

Anita huffed and Emma saw the older woman's eyes narrow. "Now, don't you go lying to me, Emma McIntyre. I know that something is wrong. I can see it in your eyes just the same as I could see it in Liam's when he dropped you off here this morning. You might as well get to talking."

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