Melatonin or I'm-Not-Goin

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(2) Gerard's POV

I flipped open to a page in an issue of Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol, in attempts of forgetting my current situation, but it failed authentically as Mikey knocked on the glass window. I jumped, and he flashed a smile, but naturally I just tried to focus my attention back on the comic. Where was I...

The door to the passenger seat of the car opened, and a gust of wind flipped the pages of my comic shut. I sighed, in defeat. "You excited??" Mikey asked as his suitcase and grandmas duffle stumbled beside me in the seat. "Mm." I said, not really caring to give him the obvious truth that I was not excited at all.

As our grandma, Elena, slid into the drivers seat, Mikey hoped in beside her. I propped my elbow on the door and looked out at the grey morning.

A crow stood at the corner of the curb, pecking at the road and stopping to glance around every couple seconds. "Time to get this show on the road!" Elena cheered, turning the keys to the ignition. "Yeah!" Mikey chimed. My lips twitched into a smile– at least it is nice to see her happy. As the car began to roll, after a moments acceleration, it abruptly haulted.

"Ahh!!" Elena yelped, "I nearly hit that cat.. Goodness, go on!" She waved, hoping the cat would somehow listen. From the screech of the tire, the cat haulted, and the crow began to hop away. The cat, dark as night sky, immediately recovered and began to speed across the road, after the crow. As we drove past, it pounced on the bird.

We were only in the car to the airport, but my stomach was already going wild with ants. I imagine butterflies would be less likely to be causing this feeling than something like ants. Crawling, biting, scattering and mutliplying. We weren't even on the plane yet.. And then who knows how many hours I'd have to try and distract my head until we reached Italy.

As a birthday gift to Elena, our parents bought her tickets to fly to different spots in Europe she has always been dying to go to. But of course she would not want to be alone, so naturally we were invited to come along– her favorite people in the world travelling with her across Europe– what more could one ask for? In that respect, its great. I just..

I hate flying.

"We should be there ina jiff, no more than 10 minutes." She said, turning the rearview mirror to see me, "Hey, dont worry. We can get you something to help you sleep through the flight, how about that?" She offered, her soft voice easing my nerves slightly.
"Yeah, that'd be amazing." I replied with a nod. There's no way I could fly on my average state of mind.

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