Two: In Which She Receives A Certain Surprise

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In Which She Receives A Certain Surprise

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I never made it to Sade's apartment.

Afraid for my life, Marcy ended up chasing after me and refusing to let me go. Part of me was glad she stopped me. It showed me that she isn't as inhuman as she sometimes appears. At first, when she suggested I go to his place to check things out, I was hurt. She was willing to risk my life just so she could be the town's hero. But then, it sort of made sense in my head.

I am almost certain Sade isn't The Ripper. I saw the hurt, and humiliation in his eyes yesterday. It can't be him. So if I do go to his place and find nothing that connects him to The Ripper than Marcy can lead her coworkers on focusing on someone else. And if I do find something that connects him to The Ripper well then... I haven't thought that far out.

I admit, the plan is stupid and dangerous. But I am devoted to proving Marcy wrong. I want to, even if it means doing the most stupidest thing I've ever thought of doing. I just hate how stuck up she is.

So when Marcy is gone and she isn't able to stop me this time, I go with my plan. Sade's apartment isn't too far away from ours, so I get there in what feels like fifteen minutes. But when I do, I'm thirsty as hell. And it's not because I'm imagining him naked.

Okay, maybe it is... So what?

I stand before his apartment trying my hardest to remember if it's this one or the one across. I can't remember. But do I really want to do this? Is this all worth it? I'm breathing heavy thinking of how stupid this is but I can't see myself walking away no matter how badly I want to now. I blow out a large breath and lift my knuckled hand to knock.

My hand presses the door in a soft touch, followed by a much harsher one. "It's the girl from the café again." I shout at him. He probably won't open, but it's worth a shot.

I swallow hard when I hear him peeping through his peep hole, my heart racing in my chest and my throat becoming twice as dry. Both our ends are quiet, and for a second I don't think he's going to open until I hear him unlock his door. Followed by another lock, and another. And then finally he pulls the door open revealing his shirtless, tattooed body in just sweats,

"Woah daddy." I find myself whispering. Shit.

"Like what you see?" He smirks, and then his fact goes serious. "What do you want now? You know, I'm starting to believe you actually one of these annoying reporters."

One, I do like what I see and two, something like that.

I heave out another breath. My heart is beating so fast that I can feel it in my throat, pulsating quicker than the seconds flying by. "I'm not, I can promise you that. I just... I—"

"What? Found me sexy and want me to fulfill all your sexual desires?" There's that devious playful smirk on his face that actually makes me believe he can't be a serial killer. But then again... He could just be trying to lure me in.

Yes, rip my clothes off and push me against the wall.

I try to not let his words take effect on me, but they do. And I'm...dripping. He's so dangerously handsome, and damn tempting it's so hard not to be.

And then a thought hits me. How am I supposed to look around while he's awake in his own house? Ugh this is so stupid Scarlet. Come on now. I want to help him, but I don't see how I can do that without doing this. "I need a friend right now."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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