Chapter 1

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Sorry it took so long to post the 1st chapter, hope you guys like it =)

Amy XxXx

Rushing through the lobby of De Matteo Enterprises, Eve headed towards the lift that will take her to the 30th floor hearing "Good morning Miss McAllister, you're later then usual" from John the head in security.

"Yeah I slept in, the one time in the 4 years I've been here and it had to be today" She quickly replies swiping her key card beside the elevator that will allow access to the top floor, the floor of the CEO Lucca De Matteo.

Stepping into the lift the ride up the thirty floors feels like a life time, the ding of the doors opening has Eve stepping through them and quickly walking to the desk in the beautiful office she works in, with a large wooden desk and cream coloured walls and a dark red feature wall that's directly behind the desk, two potted plants situated in front of the desk one at each corner.

Placing her handbag on the ground behind the desk Eve rushes to the small kitchen just past her office to make two cups of coffee, making sure to make them just right. Walking past her desk and into the boss's office placing one on top of his desk beside his laptop computer and the other for his brother Antonio on the guests side. Knowing she was cutting it close in time. Today with his brother visiting the office Eve knew Lucca would be in a sour mood, not that Lucca doesn't love his brother but every time Antonio is here he spends most of his time flirting up a storm with the attractive staff rather then focusing on the work that they were both meant to be completing. Just as she placed the second cup onto the desk a voice addressing her from the door scares her.

"Thank you Eve, I have been looking foward to this coffee since I woke up this morning" Lucca said as he walked through the door to his office brushing past her softly sending jolts of electricity straight up her arm where he made contact, hoping her quick intake of breath went unnoticed Eve replied "No problem Sir, I will have those files you need done within the next hour and bring them through to you"

"Thank you Eve, whenever you get them finished is fine, there's no rush, now haven't we had this discussion on calling me Lucca not Sir?"

"Yes Sir. Sorry I..I mean y..yes Lucca" Eve stutters

"My brother should arrive any moment but you never know with him, just send him straight through when he does arrive"

"Yes of course" Eve replied before quickly turning and hurrying back to her desk

Not knowing when she became so nervous around Lucca, Eve was deep in thought thinking it was probably when she finally admitted to herself last night that she had a massive crush on him. But who wouldn't at 6ft 4In he was hard not to notice add to that his incredible looks, the strong jaw line with his slightly crooked nose which you can tell is from being in a fight or two, striking green eyes and incredibly toned figure which is definitely hiding a six pack under his perfectly tailored expensive suit. At 29 Lucca has been the CEO of De Matteo Enterprises for eight years, shocking everyone when his father Marco De Matteo stood down when Lucca was only twenty one and letting him take control of the company, of course he still visits and pokes around at least four times a year or sends Antonio, not only the fact that Antonio flirts with everything with legs gets onto Lucca's last nerve but the fact that their father sends his youngest son to check on him, Lucca finds sometimes insulting. He loves them dearly there is no doubt in that but when it comes to the company, Lucca is very protective of the way that he runs it. His way or no way.

The ding of the elevator doors opening shocks Eve out of her day dreaming with a start, out walks the second most handsome guy Eve has ever seen, Lucca being the first of course. Antonio, with almost identical features to Lucca, the only differences are Antonio is around 6ft 2In and less muscular, his nose still straight and amazing blue eyes that he got from their mother.

"Good morning Eve, I could swear you get more beautiful every time that I visit" Antonio says before quickly kissing each of Eve's cheeks.

"Good morning Antonio, how was your flight over?" She replies. Antonio and Eve have never had a formal relationship he is much more like a brother then a boss. Otherwise his shameless flirting and teasing would not be as well received.

"Oh you know, same as every time, long. But the woman next to me was very attractive so that helped quite a lot, of course not nearly as hot as you are" Antonio replied causing both of them to laugh. Neither of them noticing the door to Lucca's office opening and him standing in the door way.

"Now I know your lying, flirt" Eve replies trying to cover her blush with her long brown hair while placing a kiss quickly to his cheek. "It is great to see you though, I have definitely missed you".

"Naw you know I cant stay away from you gorgeous. How about dinner tonight?" He asked

"Of course"

"If you're both quite finished flirting, don't you have work to finish Eve?" Luccas voice sounding deadly caused both of them to quickly jump apart.

"Yes Sir, o..of course. Sorry" She stutters quickly before rushing behind her desk and bringing up the files she needed onto the computer screen.

"Now big brother there's no need to get jealous, you know Eve's like my baby sister" Antonio taunted. Knowing there was more going on between them then either Lucca or Eve realised or would even admit, Antonio couldn't help but push a few of Lucca's buttons by flirting with Eve.

"Just get in my office Ant. Now!" Lucca demanded before walking over to Eve's desk.

Once Lucca knew that his brother was in his office and the door was closed he stormed closer to Eve leaning over her and getting close to her face, making Eve have to lean as far back as her chair would let her, but that didn't help with getting out of Lucca's face as he just moved closer, staring deep in to his eyes.Looking in his eyes Eve could see anger boiling inside him, not sure why he was acting like this she decided it would be best if she stayed quite.

When Lucca still hadn't said anything and was still glaring at her Eve decided she'd had enough.

"What is your problem? If you wouldn't mind getting out of my personal space and stop glaring at me, talk to me like an adult Mr De Matteo" getting more pissed as he just sat there staring at her, Eve purposely used Lucca's last name.

Moving her chair back until it hit the wall, giving her enough space to get out of the confides that Lucca had put her in. Standing and moving to walk around him towards the bathroom to get away from his mood that was getting on her last nerve.Before taking more then three steps she was quickly pulled to a stop and spun round to face an even angrier Lucca.

"Don't walk away from me Eve!!" Lucca growled "I do not appreciate you flirting up a storm with my brother when you are meant to be working! What if a client had came in and seen you? That is not the look that I want this company portrayed as"

"Excuse me?!" Eve was mortified that her boss would think so little of her, it's like he thought that she was about to have sex with Ant on her desk or something.

"Oh and you wont be going out to dinner with Antonio tonight, that's final" Lucca demanded before storming off.

"You cant tell me what I can and cant do outside of this office Lucca, I will be going so long as Ant still wants to take me. God! What is your problem?" Eve had to control herself to stop herself from screaming, only managing to keep her voice just above her normal volume.

"You will do as you are told and stay home tonight Eve, I will not have you disobey me this way"

Before Eve could even think of something to respond Lucca had stormed into his office and slammed the door behind him.

Slowly walking into the bathroom Eve splashed some water on her face to calm her down, "How dare he tell me what to do with my time outside of work, what is his problem?" She thought. "Well look out Mr De Matteo because your in for a rude awakening".

Thanks for reading my first chapter! Please give me any feedback good or bad!

COMMENT & VOTE please please please haha

I editied this but if you see any mistakes please feel free to let me know =)

Love Amy XxXx

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