Chapter 15: Prepare The Food And Declare War

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Stefan DeGramont's POV

"What?" I barked into the line.

It was currently 7:03, and I had approximately 27 minutes to take a shower and get ready for breakfast. I had, unfortunately, woken up three minutes late.

I never woke up late.

I had to blame it on the fact that Elle and I had retired for the night quite late last night. I hadn't meant to hold her up, but I desperately wanted to feel her warmth, and the fresh smell of rose petals, as she leaned into me while I taught her how to play.

I had to admit, she was quite terrible with the piano, but eager to learn regardless. We played for hours. Some minutes were spent talking about our lives, others were spent in comfortable silence as the sound of the music filled the atmosphere.

We retired for the night around 5am. And now I was three minutes late.

"Boss?" Mariano called again, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"What's wrong, Mariano?" I asked, as my body jolted upright. The Malfacini family was not known for phone calls. They just kind of... Showed up. If they needed to talk to you, they found you. I, on the other hand, was lucky enough to arrange a dinner with them tonight. The fact that I was receiving a phone call at this hour by Mariano himself, was more than alarming.

"There was a... Situation last night. One of your family branches were attacked. Ammunition was stolen from the treasury there." Mariano replied.

I could feel my body tense with nothing but pure range.

"Why was I not informed?" I snapped.

"We tried to call you but you didn't pick up."

I must have left my phone in my room while I was playing piano with Elle. "Who does it look like it could be?" I asked.

"Right now, it has the Russian signature written all over it." Mariano replied.


"What's our plan of action, sir?" Mariano asked. He and I knew the rules very well. There was a line that could not be crossed, treaty or no treaty, war was in order.

"Put more guards on the remaining branches and treasuries. You and your family lay low for a while. We don't need to give the Russians any reason to suspect that I'm about to rain a war on their asses. Give me a few days to make the necessary preparations, then we go to war." I explained, already sliding a pair of sweatpants on before exiting my room and heading towards my office.

"What about the banquette that's coming up in a few days? Are you still to attend?" Mariano asked.

"I have no choice. Any suspicious activity will completely obliterate the element of surprise... Which is one of the few things we must count on. We may have more men, but they definitely have more ammunition."

"And about the French? More specifically, the Lundwerg family. You know they have connections that could be vital."

"A treaty was signed years ago. I expect full cooperation from the French. But that will only be if situations deteriorate. For now-"

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