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"The Ring Leaders?" I ask, my question in a stutter as Zion tosses me something from a luggage. Of course right now I do not look the best to be in some important meeting. I look like the basic chick who just went clubbing and had too much to drink. "How? We haven't even met with Author yet!"

Zion shrugs his shoulders, putting on the clean suit as he starts on his tie. "I don't know, Nixon just said they showed up out of the blue and requested a meeting with the two of us." I nod, looking at what the King tossed me. A simple dress, navy, and a little form fitting. "All I know is that they want to talk now and this is a window we cannot miss." I agree with Zion there. This is an opportunity to not pass up.

Changing quickly, I fix my hair as we head to the door, ready for whatever awaits us. "You know how important this is, correct?" Zion asks, stopping me in the middle of the hall, his hands grabbing my arm.

"I do, I know that we need this, it's something mandatory for the war ahead," I inform, making sure he knows that I understand the importance.

Zion nods, letting go of my arm as he moves to the door, the Alpha King nervous.

As the door opens, I'm greeted by stern faces of five people, each badass looking in their own way.

"Sybil Black," the one in front states, looking at me from head to toe. "I expected you to be a bit more intimidating." With black hair going gray, green eyes, and dressed in an Italian suit, this first rogue looks nothing like what I expected. "And then we have the Wolf King."

I can tell Zion is already irritated by this man, how his eyes harden and his jaw clenches. "We sha-

"We," the man states pointing to his group of rogues and me, "have a meeting. I want to only negotiate with your rogue fiancé, nothing more or less."

That's what I expected, how these rogues would not make a deal with Zion, but with me.

"So, I would suggest you head on out," the one female rogue comments as she pushes past Zion and into the hotel suite. With her pale blond hair cut sharply along her jaw line, her skin pale, and future tall and slim, she looks like who you would see on the issue of a magazine. Tattoos decorate her arms, one that wraps around her bicep the Latin translation of an Alpha declaring you rogue.

As the rest of the three Ring Leaders enter, each giving Zion stern glances of dislike, they acknowledge me with a small nod. Already you can tell who the favorites are.

Zion is practically kicked out of the hotel room, knowing that for this deal to happen, he's basically going to give these rogues what they want. He has a Kingdom to protect. As he leaves the room, his eyes meet mine once more, the door shutting.

"Now, dear Sybil, we make our bargain." One of the males states, throwing his leather jacket onto the coat rack. "Take a seat."

I'm basically bossed around Zion's hotel suite, led into the living room, the Ring Leaders taking their seats. The woman puts her feet up in the coffee table, pulling out a cigarette as one of the males with piercings all over tosses her a lighter. "I didn't think you would come to us, I thought we would need to find you," I comment, crossing my arms as the man in the suit rolls his eyes.

"No one expects to be made rogue but it happens," the suited man replies. "Jax." So the guy in the suit is Jax, already becoming a tad more open.

"Ginger," the woman explains, nodding my way as she lights her cigarette. "And that's Adam, he's mute."

I turn to the guy with all the piercings, looking as his eyes stare at me, judging me right away. Nodding, I wave to him, only to gain a rolling of the eyes. "Keith," the one who tactically threw his leather jacket to the rack greets.

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