Chapter 1

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    By the time I was eight years old my constantly travelling father decided I needed a mother that would stay home with me. He remarried, this time to a widow who was kind and beautiful, she never was afraid to speak against something my father did wrong and was always there to help me. She also had two daughters of her own, Kat and Vicki, who were the opposite of their mother and were prissy and bossy.

    Since they were both older than me, they believed they could order me around as they wished, as if I were their servant. Together they made me make their beds, do their chores, even do their hair and makeup. After they heard the story of how my mother had died, minus the fact I was a boy, they took to calling me Cinderaen, after the cinders that rained down on my father.


    On my sixteenth birthday my stepmother gave me a gift that would later change my life. At the time I just thought it to be a beautiful dress, sky blue and white with grey ribbons. I knew my sisters would be jealous of it so I hid it until the time came to use it. I doubt even my mother remembered it by the time I had reason to wear it.


    Once I hit the age where puberty kicked in it was almost impossible to keep my secret safe. Voice cracks were the least of my problems. Other boys were my main problem.

    Now my father was quite handsome and I'm told my mother was also quite a beauty. So, if I do say so myself, I grew to be a rather attractive boy, and a very pretty girl. Long, wavy, raven black hair that shone almost violet in the light. Almond shaped emerald green eyes that were flecked with gold and brown and rimmed with long black lashes. Naturally tan skin that turned caramel coloured in the summer.

    Many boys had silly schoolboy crushes on me, since everyone believed me to be a girl. Still, I had a secret interest in admiring them back seceretly because from a young age I knew that I was interested in men, not women, so it was very hard for me to turn down all their confessions. This, of course, caused my step sisters to tease me. "Poor Cinderaen, she's too shy to even talk to a boy, let alone date one!" "I don't see what all those boys even see in you, Raen, you're too simple for anyone to love."

    At night I would cry myself to sleep and vow that one day I would tell everyone my secret. I didn't care what they would do to me, I couldn't live my whole life telling a lie.

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