Chapter 12

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                I sat down on the ground and waited for something to happen, and after what felt like five hours I heard footsteps. I got up and started looking around nervously wishing Blaze had taught me how to fight in a hand to hand combat instead of long distance combat.

                After a few minutes I saw someone coming towards me. From what I could tell in the dark is that it was a guy and he looked like he was around my age sixteen or seventeen and I think he had solid black hair, but he was wearing a black jacket and he had his hood on his head and it was covering most of his hair so it’s kind of hard to tell, he also had on black jeans and black combat boots. He also had this sweet scent to him and when I caught his scent for some reason I all of a sudden heard the word “Mate” pop into my head, and I ignored the thought and just looked at him nervously.

                He stopped walking towards me when he was within ten feet away from me and he looked at me calmly and said, “Hello, I am Shane. Alpha male of the Dark Walkers.”

                I stared at Shane still nervous and then I nodded my head slowly and mumbled, “M-m-my name is Shay. Alpha female of the Nightside Pack.”

                Shane looked kind of mad when I said I was Alpha of the Nightside Pack and said, “Shay you will be no longer Alpha of the Nightside Pack but you will be Alpha of the Dark Walkers. You are my true Mate, when I caught your sent I knew you were and I know that you had the same thought when you caught my scent.”

                I looked at him confusedly then said, “I thought that the Alpha male of the Nightside Pack was my Mate? He told me he was.”

                Shane looked pissed off when I told him this and he yelled, “No, the only Mate that an Alpha male should ever have is his true Mate!”

                I guess he could see my fear on my face because he smiled at me gently and said “Like how you are my true Mate. That’s what makes you Alpha female of the Dark Walkers Pack.” He walked the rest of the way towards me and grabbed my hand gently that had the tattoo on it and turned it over and looked at it for a moment then flipped over his hand and he had the same exact tattoo on his palm. They both had a red glow to them and then when Shane put his tattooed hand on mine our tattoos started glowing a really bright red and all of a sudden I felt safe, I didn’t feel nervous, afraid, or anything else… I felt safe and happy. Apparently he felt the same way because he hugged me tightly and he whispered into my ear, "I love you Shay.”

                I thought that it was kind of soon to say that he loved me but I wasn’t about to start arguing him. Something told me that I shouldn’t argue with him right now, but if I did want to argue with him it would be best to do it later.

                “Shay who are you talking to?” I heard May say. I had totally forgotten that May and Wolf were still around me somewhere…

                Shane must have heard her also and said, “My name is Shane. Alpha male of the Dark Walker Pack. May I ask who you are?”

                “My name is May. Can we have Shay back or will we have to fight to get her back?” May asked Shane.

                “Shay is my true Mate, she must stay within the Pack that her true Mate is in, and in this case because she is my true Mate Shay is now Alpha female of the Dark Walkers Pack. If you want to try to get her you will have to fight hard to get to her and my Pack will fight even harder to protect her from you, because she will never join back into your pack when her loyalty now lies within my Pack.” Shane said kind of angrily.

                May must be angry now to because she yells, “Shay is the Alpha female of the Nightside Pack, and her loyalty lies within this Pack not yours!”

                I started getting aggravated when May yelled at Shane and I yelled back, “Why can’t I chose where my loyalty lies? Why do you guys want to make my decisions for me?”

                Both of them stopped talking and Shane looked at me nervously like he was afraid that I might run off and go back to the Nightside Pack. He grabs my hand gently and holds it and looks into my eyes like he was trying to see if I was going to leave him, I squeezed his hand softly and smiled at him and said, “My loyalty now lies with the Dark Walkers Pack. I’m sorry May, but Shane is my true Mate, I can’t leave him or his Pack.”

                “B-b-but you promised that you would do your best to get back to us. Back to Dakota and I.” I heard May say sadly.

                “That was before I had found my true Mate.” I smiled at Shane as I said this.

                “But what about Dakota; I thought he was your Mate. What am I supposed to tell him?” May asked me worriedly.

                Shane got mad when May said that Dakota was my Mate, so I squeezed his hand softly again and shook my head and said, “He isn’t my true Mate, Shane is.”

                May apparently didn’t like the fact that I was leaving the Nightside Pack because she yelled, “Well fine! You wouldn’t have been a good Alpha anyways because you don’t even know much about yourself or any of the other unnaturals, and you’re weak! That’s right I said it! You’re weak! Dakota and this Pack would have been held back if you were our Alpha!”

                When she said this I felt like crying and like punching someone in the face, and I was doing my best to not do either of those things. Shane saw that it had really upset me and it royally pissed him off, and if May was here with us he probably wouldn’t hesitate to rip her head right off her shoulders and she would be running around the room like a chicken that just had its head chopped off.

                “You have no right to yell at her like that!” Shane yelled at May.

                “I have every right to yell at her! She left the Pack she is responsible for!” May yelled back at Shane. “Oh and Shay, I’m sure Wolf is going to be happy when I tell him what you have done.” May said evilly then she yelled, “Wolf! Get in here!”

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