The locked cupboards upstairs

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I have to say that I love a good horror movie and what not, but have been a little dubious about ghosts and hauntings. That is until my now ex-husband and I moved into a new house. (we shall call him John for the purpose of this story).
We lived in a small town in the tropics and the houses generally have the same sort of look, except for the house we decided to rent while ours was being built. It was unusual – a definite triangular shape where the roof touched the ground and met in a point at the top, like a teepee. It appeared to be very very old that had been renovated at some point.
The day we moved in, I was in the kitchen unpacking whilst John was moving things from our previous house. Directly above me was one of two bedrooms, which sat to the right of the top of the stairs. As I was unpacking I heard several doors slam above me. I knew the windows were open up there so didn't think anything of it until I heard the "squeaks" of the door closers (the little plastic things that hold old doors closed). Then I heard doors slamming again. I knew there were four cupboard doors in that bedroom and when I counted definitely more than four doors slamming again and then the closers being worked open I got a bit freaked out, so I went outside and waited for John to return.
When he got back he of course thought it was the wind. We decided to investigate and let the dog in with us, she happily ran ahead of us up to the top of the stairs and when she got to the top she suddenly stop and whimpered, tail between her legs and head cowering. This was not like her at all. We went up to the bedroom And went in and saw that all four cupboard doors were closed but then noticed what we hadn't noticed before – all the doors had latches and all of them were in the lock position. Needless to say, my husband didn't believe what I said I had heard.
My friend told me to smoke the house out with smudge smoke which we did and nothing happened for a while.
A few months later John and I were eating dinner at the dining table and I felt something brushing the back of my neck. This time I did think it was the wind as my back was to the window but when I rubbed the back of my neck and looked up john had turned white. He said little balls of light were floating around my head. He said whilst he had been in the kitchen on a few different occasions the same little balls of light had floated around him. Later, friends were to tell us these were called "orbs".
Instances started becoming more and more frequent, such as doors slamming in the bedrooms upstairs, hearing footsteps running back and forth. We began to wonder if it was our minds playing tricks on us until a friend was visiting one night and heard a definite slam and heavy footsteps running from one room to another. He got frightened and left. Sometimes the dog, who slept at the bottom of the stairs, would suddenly look up to the top of the stairs and stare and growl. And the brushes on the back of my neck at the dining table became more frequent and turned into a feeling of a weight pushing down on my head.
One night I had the couch folded out and the dog laying next to me. I was sitting on the bed patting her when in the corner of my eye a large shadow moved around towards me from the left. As I looked to my husband to alert him, an enormous weight pushed down heavily on my head as I called to him. His face went white, my dog looked up at me barking and suddenly the weight came off and this bright "orb" appeared in front of me, suspended there for a few seconds, hovered around up and down from the ceiling to the floor, went out the door and disappeared. Even the dog was following the movement of this orb. This scared the absolute crap out of us.
This happened while I was heavily pregnant and we realised these things became more frequent as I moved along in my pregnancy.
After the baby was born my mum came to visit and only having two bedrooms, she slept in that room. We didn't tell her what had been happening as she believes in these sorts of things. One morning she said she felt like someone had moved the blankets back and got into bed with her, she had felt someone press up against her. We didn't tell her about the room until after she left.
The baby wouldn't sleep without us being in our bedroom with him and would wake with sudden frights sometimes. Even the dog began to sleep in there with us.
Things carried on but not as aggressively after we decided to "talk" to it when we got home, telling the thing that "we are only renting here, this is your house. We are building our own and will be out soon and it will be your house again".
After we moved out the neighbour had approached me at the supermarket. He informed me the new neighbours in the house had decided to all sleep in the rumpus room downstairs, as their daughter had awoken several times to a man standing in her room at the foot of her bed staring at her, and the cupboards would open and close, slamming. He had never believed us until these new neighbours had questioned whether he had heard anything from previous tenants about ghosts in the house. He told them the things we had told him and they promptly moved out. He would later tell us he saw someone moving about in that room often (which looked down onto his back yard) but thought it was just one of us moving around in there without the lights on.

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