What Happened?

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Phineas woke up again in the later in the night and watched Isabella sleep fitfully. He wanted to know what had happened but she seemed to be too tearful and depressed to get more than a word or two out. It was so sad and heartbreaking to see her so sad and traumatized. Just looking at her like this tore him to pieces.

He yawned as he started to drift off back to sleep thinking of her in different fantasies....
And then what seemed like thirty seconds later, the sun was shining brightly through the windows. Phineas felt a weight on his arm and opened one eye to see Isabella clutching his arm like he was all she had left. He blushed a little, but then decided he liked being this close to her. Smiling he pulled her closer to him and kissed her forehead.

Isabella had been closing her eyes thinking to herself....something had happened last night, she couldn't quite remember but she knew it was horrible.... When suddenly Phineas pulled her closer to him and kissed her forehead. She giggled and she heard Phineas whisper in her ear,

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Morning Phineas. Whatcha Doin'?" She said. She turned to look at him and froze. Suddenly everything came back to her. The call, the accident.... It all came rushing in. She burst into tears and buried her face in Phineas's shirt.

"Oh, honey.... What happened? Who did this to you?"

Isabella tried to regain her composure. She would have to tell him sometime or another. Their children would only have two grandparents. "Life. Life did this Phineas. My parents, they uh..." She wiped some more tears from her eyes and kind of coughed. "I can't do it. I just can't do it anymore, Phineas! Life is a train wreck and it took me a life time to notice it! How could I not have noticed this earlier?!" She sobbed gripping his shoulder.

Phineas hugged Isabella close to him. "Would it be easier to show me, Princess?"

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"M-my p-parents..." she hiccuped nervously. She motioned driving a car then buried her face in her hands.

Phineas felt confused for awhile, then a thought entered his mind. A train wreck... Life is a..train wreck...

"Who died?" Phineas said softly. He gently lifted her head up so he could see her eyes.

Isabella teared up even more. It was too much and she broke down again. 

Phineas watched her sniffle and heave and sob. He listened closely and heard her trying to form words. 

"B-b-oth." She stuttered.

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