Chapter 2-Erika

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Three Years Ago...

"NOAH?" I FELL BACK, leaning against the wall next to my best friend's locker as he retrieved a book between classes. "Do you have a date for Winterfest?"

He scrunched up his face. "That's like two months away, Rika."

"I know. I'm getting in while the getting's good."

He smiled, slamming his locker shut and leading the way down the hall. "So you're asking me on a date then?" he teased in his cocky voice. "I knew you always wanted me."

I rolled my eyes, following him, since my classroom was in the same direction. "Could you make this easier, please?"

But all I heard was his snort.

Winterfest was a dance like Sadie Hawkins. Girls ask guys, and I wanted to take the safe route by asking a friend.

Students scurried around us, rushing to their classes, and I held the strap of my bag on my shoulder as I grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Please?" I pleaded.

But he narrowed his eyes, looking worried. "Are you sure Trevor's not going to kick my ass? Judging from the way he's on you all the time, I'm surprised he hasn't GPS'd you."

That was a good point. Trevor would be mad I wasn't asking him, but I only wanted friendship, and he wanted more. I didn't want to lead him on.

I guessed I could chalk up my disinterest in Trevor to knowing him my entire life—he was too familiar, kind of like family—but I'd also known his older brother my entire life, and my feelings for him weren't at all familial.

"Come on. Be a buddy," I urged, nudging his shoulder. "I need you."

"No, you don't."

He stopped at my next class, which was on the way to his, and spun around, pinning me with a hard look. "Rika, if you don't want to ask Trevor, then ask someone else."

I let out a sigh and averted my eyes, sick of this conversation.

"You're asking me, because it's safe," he argued. "You're beautiful, and any guy would be thrilled to go out with you."

"Of course they would be." I smiled sarcastically. "So say yes then."

He rolled his eyes, shaking his head at me.

Noah liked to draw conclusions about me. About why I never dated or why he thought I shied away from this or that, and as good of a friend as he was, I wished he'd stop already. I just didn't feel comfortable.

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