I get it from my Dad (Kayden's POV)

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"Kayden I'm-" before she could finish, I hear a loud crash at the front door of the pack house. I growl when I start to hear yelps of pain from the guards outside of the door. I stand up and stand protectively in front of my mate. No one is going to harm my mate! I'll die before I see her hurt!

I grab her wrist tightly, just in case I need to get her out of here. I suddenly hear claws scraping the door. I feel Tara flinch at the sound and it angers me beyond words. I'm gonna kill whoever has scared my mate this much. I want to wrap her in my arms and comfort her but I'm not going to move from my spot. I'm gonna stay right here to take the brunt of whatever is coming.

The door slowly cracks open and something is thrown in the room. The door immediately slams shut and a hissing sound comes from whatever they threw inside. I see some kind of mist start to cover the room. What's going on?

My head starts to spin and I start to lose the ability to stay standing. I fall to my knees and my eyes start to black out. I fight to stay awake but I'm soon overcome by darkness. I smell Tara's scent leave the room but I'm powerless to stop it. My Tara is being taken away from me and I can't do anything to stop it.

I use every ounce of my strength to try to move but it's just no use. After w while I start to hear people talking around me. No, they're talking to me. Their muffled voices fill my ears, but the only word I understood was 'Tara'.
My wolf growls at the thought of Tara being away from me. I sniff the air and her intoxicating scent is no longer in here.

"Kayden! Wake up! Kayden you have to wake up for Tara! She needs you!" Someone yells.

Anger rushes over me. What happened to my mate!?!? If she is hurt I'll rip whoever hurt her apart with my bare hands! A growl escapes my lips and my eyes crack open. Through blurry vision I see Daniel and Axel, my third in command, standing over me. I notice Daniel is bleeding quite badly from a gash on the side of his neck and Axel's face has been beaten to a pulp.

I shoot up to my feet and look around for any sign to where Tara went. My head snaps toward Daniel and a low growl escapes my lips once more.

"Where is she?!" I yell.

"We don't know. She was gone when we got up here." Axel mutters.

All I want to do I wrap my fingers around Axel's neck and strangle him. He didn't even try to track her down? Now that her scent is old, it will be nearly impossible to track!! I tug at my hair and release a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

Then it hits me...I marked Tara. I can mind link her!

'Tara! Tara answer me! Please! can you hear me?Tara please answer me! Where are you?' I scream in the mind link.

I feel her side of the mind link open up and then I hear the most comforting thing I heard all day.

'Kayden! What's going on?! What happened?!' She says frantically.

I can tell she just woke up. Her voice is crackly from sleep. I want her in my arms, safe, with me. I need her with me so badly. I calmly talk to her through the mind link.

'A group of rogues attacked the pack. They managed to reach the pack house. And-wait! Never mind that! Where are you? Are you hurt?' My anger swells up at the thought of even a bruise on her perfect skin.

My icy blue eyes change to blood red as I imagine her hurt. If she is hurt I might not be able to control my wolf. My wolf is out for blood.

'I'm okay, I think. I'm still semi unconscious. I haven't tried to open my eyes, honestly, I'm scared to.'

A sigh of relief escapes me. She's okay.

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