chapter 2

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3 days have now passed and everything has seemed normal nothing out of the ordinary has happened. Violet woke that Friday morning at 5:45, she walked out of her room to find another note on the bench from her parents saying they were at work. This made her slightly angry but today she was in a quite good mood so she didn't mind that much at all. Violet went on to make her breakfast and pack her bag. That morning she walked to school. She went to first period as usual, little did she know this was about to become the worst day ever.

As she went to recess her old friend Kiara and her friends walked up to Violet
"I heard you've been making rumors about me." Kiara said
"I haven't, I don't even know what your talking about."
"Oh but I think you do know." Kiara said sassily.
Violet was now angry. Her and Kiara used to be the best of friends inseparable even but when high school came along Kiara moved in to the popular group and that's when Violet found Sophie, ever since then Sophie and Violet have been best friends.
"So Violet just admit it you did it, you made the rumors then I'll leave you guys alone."
"I didn't do it!" Violet almost screamed. Violet was now furious the thought of just pegging a rock at her face but the one did but she didn't throw it in one did. The rock hit Kiara right above her eye brow but Kiara didn't move no one moved, everyone outside became silent. Kiara had tears filling her eyes and fallen on to her face but didn't stop staring, it was like she had frozen.
"Kiara, come on let's go." One of her friends said. 3 of kiaras friends lead her away from the croud of people that had gathered around. Sophie rushed to Violet and pulled her away from the croud into the bathroom adn locked the door behind her.
"What happened, how'd you do that?" She asked.
"I... I... I don't know at all, this is bad Sophie isn't." Violet said starting to cry.

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