Chapter 37

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Author's Note

Sorry for not updating in a long while, I've just been focused on school and have forgotten about everything else. I also have SAT classes two days a week, which are the bane of my existence. All of my teachers seem to want to make me as stressed as possible. :(

Anyway, here's the next chapter, hope you enjoy it.



"Preparing," Nate answered.

"For what?"

"There's just this feeling that something bad and dangerous is going to happen," he sighed. "Everyone's preparing for the worst."

"Oh," I looked down at my feet. "For some reason I feel uneasy too."

"Don't worry," he grinned. "We'll be fine."

Later, as I watched Harper and Nate trying to cook, I couldn't help but get rid of the impending sense of doom that I felt. Something bad was going to happen.


Sera's POV

The next morning, I woke up tangled in Nate's arms. He was still sleeping, and I stared at his peaceful face for a while. He had dark circles under his eyes, and a 5 o'clock shadow, which surprisingly made him look better. I wasn't the biggest fan of beards or stubble in general when it came to guys, but Nate somehow made it work. The only other guy that I knew who could rock a beard was Kurt, who had this majestic beard that he liked to stroke.

"Are you staring at me?" Because I was zoning out, I hadn't realized that he had woken up, and was watching me with a fond expression on his face.

"No, I was staring at your bags," I lightly rubbed my index fingers under his dark circles. "They're too dark, you need more sleep."

"I'll sleep when this is all over and you're safe," he sighed, lifted a hand, and ran it down my back. "I would love to sleep in, but-"

"Shhh," I hushed him and covered his mouth with my hand. "It's early, just relax with me."

"Of course baby," he wrapped his arms around my waist and turned me over so he was on top, and I was on the bottom.

"You should shave," I ran a hand along the stubble on his face. "This is covering your beautiful face."

"The only face I need to see is yours," he murmured then kissed my lips.

"Ooooh that was so corny," I kissed him again. "We should-"

I never got to finish my sentence because the walls around us erupted, and everything went dark.


Nate's POV

There was a loud ringing in my ears as I blinked my eyes open, trying to get rid of the blurriness. I was on the ground, pieces of the wall around me, and I was surprised that the floor hadn't broken through. 

"Sera?" I called out frantically. I started to lift large pieces of debris off of the ground and tossing them to the side. 

"Here!" With a sigh of relief, I turned to the side to see Sera standing there, looking beautiful even though she had dust all over her face and body. "What happened?"

"A bomb or something," my fists clenched thinking about who did this, knowing who did this.

"Do you think that it was..."

"I know it was them." 

"Liam. Jack. Lindsay. We should've killed them when we had the chance."

"We have a chance now, let's go." And with that dramatic note, we pushed through the disaster that was now our bedroom and went to go beat someone's äss.


Jack's POV

I listened to the loud boom of the bomb that I had asked my men to set in the pack house. The prison wasn't going to be affected, it was encased in some steel crap and was impenetrable. I laid back against the shîtty äss bed that was in the cell and waited for the chaos to end. I had no other plans after this, but I might as well terrorize them another time before I go. 

"What the fück?" I yelled as my skin started to burn, it felt like I was on fire, but there were no flames anywhere. When I saw a blueish-blackish blemish growing all over my body, I realized that wolf bane was being let into the cell. I had no idea how they had changed wolf bane, a liquid poison, into some sort of mist that spread over my body. "Shît!" The pain was causing my eyesight to turn fuzzy, and I started to feel my body deteriorating. I knew what long-termed contact to wolf bane did to wolves, and I passed out while feeling extreme pain.


Sera's POV

Nate and I watched through the security system as Jack eventually passed out from the wolf bane. Hopefully he would die, I mean it sounds really dark, but I really wanted him to just go. He doesn't have to die, he just has to disappear from this whole universe.

"Kind of sad," I paused and made eye contact with Nate. "But not really." I shrugged and rubbed my shoulder against his.

"I'll do anything to keep you safe," Nate wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my forehead. "Let's just get all of this finished."

We left the security room and headed back to the pack house, which was still kind of together. I'm pretty sure that no one got hurt badly, but the whole house would need to be fixed up.

"Yo, Nate!" Nate and I turned our heads to see Kurt rushing over to us, Harper sitting on top of his shoulders, waving.

"Hi!" Harper looked happy enough, but I was worried when I saw that her forehead was scratched up a little.

"We have a problem," Kurt whispered as he handed Harper off to me. I grabbed her and she wrapped her arms around my neck and I put my arms under her butt, hoisting her up my chest.

"I need to pee," she tapped her fingers against my neck. Each of her nails were painted a different neon color, and I noted that Kurt's toes were painted the same way.

"Let's go find a bathroom dear," I turned around and walked off, looking for a bathroom that hadn't been destroyed.


Nate's POV

"What's wrong?" I asked. I knew that anything Kurt thought was a problem was probably a huge disaster.

"Seems like there are some of Jack's men hiding around here," he turned his head from side to side before telling me that.

"Shît," I scratched my head. "Let's go find them."


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