Chapter 8

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Making a disgusted face, I picked up the last piece of garbage from the floor, a used condom. I quickly threw it into the large black bag in disgust before wiping my hands on a towel.

Sighing, I dropped the bulging bag of trash down on the floor before collapsing on the couch beside Blake.

I turned to look at Blake, "Hey do you want-"

Blake interrupted me by letting out a soft snore. I looked down at him in confusion before realisation dawned on me, Blake had fallen asleep.

I looked down at him; he did look quite innocent in his sleep, a lot more angelic than devilish.

Smiling, I grabbed a cushion from beside me, which I put under his head. He mumbled something in his sleep before letting out another soft snore.

I blinked when I realised what I was doing, I was actually watching Blake Reynolds sleep.

I immediately stood up and backed out of the room, but just as I was completely out of the room I tripped over something and landed on the floor.

I stood up and looked around to see what I had fallen over, it was a pen. Frowning, I picked it up and leaned down to put it on the table. Just as I was doing this Blake mumbled something incoherent and I turned to him before I was hit by an absolutely genius idea. I took the lid off the pen and turned to Blake, who was still asleep, oblivious to what I was doing.

Slowly I crept over to him and leaned down, pen in hand.

I really shouldn't be doing this, I thought as I lowered the pen down so it was lingering above his upper lip.

Did I feel scared? Surprisingly enough, the answer to that question was no.

Grinning evilly, I brought the pen down just above his lips and gave him a big swirly moustache. I then drew fake glasses on and a unicorn on his left cheek surrounded by hearts and stars. I finished off by writing my name on his forehead.

I leaned back to admire my work when Blake's eyes snapped open and he looked up at me in confusion.

I froze and dropped the pen in shock.

"What are you doing?" Blake asked groggily.


Blake raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"Er...I...nothing!" I turned around and bolted out the room, leaving a rather confused looking Blake to continue shouting after me.

I raced into the kitchen and hid behind Elliot, who looked at me like I was mad. "What did you do?" Elliot asked.

"Nothing," I grinned sheepishly.

Elliot raised an eyebrow, "Are you alright?"

"Let's just say that once Blake looks in a mirror I won't be alright any longer."

Right on cue I heard Blake shout, "Skye!!!"


There was a moment of deathly silence before I heard the sound of footsteps.

I crouched down behind Elliot in a desperate attempt to hide from Blake.

The footsteps got louder and then I heard an angry voice say, "Where is she?!"

"Loving the new look Blake," Jake snickered.

"Dude! What happened to your face?" I heard Aaron ask.

"Skye, that's what happened," Blake replied in annoyance.

"I wonder why I'm not surprised," Elliot muttered, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Would one of you mind telling me where she is?" Blake asked, his voice coming out like a growl.

I gripped Elliot's shirt and prayed that he wouldn't say anything, "She's right here!" Elliot stepped out the way so that I was standing in the middle of the kitchen staring into a pair of furious, hazel coloured eyes.

"You!" he hissed, running towards me. My eyes widened as he hurtled towards me, but I quickly recovered from the shock and instead I raced towards the door. Unfortunately, Blake wasn't too far behind me, and I could still hear his feet pounding against the ground as I made my way up the staircase.

All of a sudden his footsteps stopped and I slowed down, grinning. For a moment I thought I had the upper hand, I really did, but boy was I wrong. Suddenly Blake jumped out in front of me and I jumped back in surprise.

"How did you do that?" I asked in panic as he took a step towards me and I took a step away.

"Have you forgotten who I am already?" he asked smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes and looked around for a way to escape but it seemed as if I was trapped. Blake took a few more steps forward so that his chest was pressed against mine and my back was pressed against the wall, his hands were on either side of my head, and he was studying at me with a small frown in his face.

"Will you let me go?" I asked.

"No," Blake replied, the smirk returning to his face.

I groaned and tried to duck under his arms, but he moved so that his arms were now tightly wrapped around my waist. I glared at him, struggling against his strong hold, before putting both my hands on his chest, pushing with all my might.

My plan backfired because the next thing I knew I was falling to the ground, on top of Blake.

"God you're heavy!" Blake complained.

I scowled at him, "I am not!"

"Are too."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

I stood up quickly and scowled down at Blake who was still lying on the floor, a smirk plastered over his face.

Wanting nothing more than to wipe that insufferable smirk off his face, I leaned down with clenched fists and swung a punch at him, only to have him block my punch with his large muscular hand.

My scowl grew as Blake spoke, "You should really work on those punches of your Skye, they aren't very impressive."

That's it I thought, kicking him in shin with as much force as I could muster.

Blake raised an eyebrow, "Was that supposed to hurt?"

I clenched my fists, knowing that if he didn't shut up in the next minute then my fist would be doing some serious damage to his face.

"Because if it was supposed to hurt than I've got one thing to say, my grandmother kicks harder than you do," Blake said, standing up.

That was it, I narrowed my eyes and threw my fist at him, but yet again, Blake blocked my punch.

"You just messed with the wrong girl Blake Reynolds!" I hissed wrestling him to the ground.

"I messed with a girl that has a weak punch and bad foot coordination!"

I scowled at him and kneed him in the crown jewels causing him to let out a loud grown.

"Holy mother-"

"No swearing!"

"Says the girl that swears like a sailor!"

I rolled my eyes, "That was your own fault; you can't mess with me and get away with it."

"That was totally unfair, it's not like I could have kneed you in the balls, you don't even have any!"

I made a disgusted face, "Like I would want any!"


Authors note: I know, I know, not very exciting, but I tried. Hopefully the next chapter will be up in a few days, but if you decide to be extra generous with the votes and the comments then, you know...there's a chance of it being uploaded sooner... ;)

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