Greatest Announcement of all Time!

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Hello friends! Want to hear something great?

I have an amazing announcement and you'll all be the first ones to hear it, right now.

Ok now that I've gotten your attention.

I have some big news! But first of all on a personal note. I wanted to say, thank you for reading my story, I truly appreciate every one of you. Writing is my one of my most favorite things to do. And I am so happy that you have been here reading my book.

Ok onto the big news!

I'm getting published!

I know, I can't believe it either. (I've asked my friend to pinch me to make sure that I'm not dreaming) (at which point she proceeded to slap me...). I started writing as a hobby to help me through things and I never expected that this would be the outcome.

And it's literally all because of you guys (I love you all.). I wish I could give you something... like, I don't know, a birthday cake, but instead I've got something even better, (that's right aren't you extremely excited right now!).

The book is going to be published October 16!

I'm still here on Wattpad, but my publisher has asked me to take down the last few chapters before publishing for copyright issues.

Penthouse Suite (PUBLISHED) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang