An unexpected turn

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I've made a BIG change to the story. Alexis is not the youngest anymore. I changed it so she is one year older that Lucia. It had to be done or the story wouldn’t have worked out.

And sorry I haven’t updated in so long. My mom cancelled our wifi because she said it’ll be good for me. I was going crazy!! It definitely was not good for me so I talked her into letting me back on the internet. So yay!!!

Anyway, onward with the story.


So it’s been exactly three weeks since that dreadful first day of school and I’ve only almost only been kicked out twice.

Dad says I’m starting to slightly improve, but mom is still disappointed in me like always. She didn’t even praise me when I brought home a –B on my History test. She just took one look at the thing and immediately accused me of cheating!

Well I did, but still, it kinda hurt.

Lucia and the guys are still out a lot. I hardly get to see any of them and it sucks.

I’m woman enough to admit that I miss Paul a lot, but that is to be expected.

But I won’t openly admit that I miss Lucia too. She may be my sister and all, but I got a rep to protect!

I just wish I could turn or transform or whatever the hell you call it! Things would be so much easier.

It’s been pretty hectic for me lately. Mom and Dad both got jobs and Luc of course is running around in the woods almost all day and night, which leaves me home alone to take care of both the dogs, having to take them both on daily walks, feed them and brush them. I have to make dinner for us before everyone got home and keep the house tidy also. And to top it all off, all the bloody homework and essays and all the damn studying.

I hate having all this responsibility.

Now usually I won’t do any of that stuff. But I’m doing it now because I just want mom, at least just this once, to say she’s proud of me.

I know it sounds stupid. But the last time she said that to me was when I was six. And I can’t even remember what I did! Lucia was always the one everyone was proud of; she was always everyone’s favourite.

To make it worse I haven’t slept to good at all either. This bad feeling I’ve had for a while now is getting worse each night by turning into nightmares. I wake up screaming almost every damn night. Since nobody is home no one hears me.

Mom and dad both put in extra shifts at work, with mom being a nurse and dad being a cop, and then there’s Lucia who also has extra shifts with whatever they are up to. Paul sometimes stays with me, but then disappears sometime in the night to start his shift.

I just want to be a bloody wolf already! Then at least I can forget about school stuff, which will at least add a little less to all this pile of crap I have to deal with.

Oh God, I sound like a whiney little brat!

Anyway I was in PE right now. Luke is still ditching, but at least I got Sarah with me. Although she loves sport, so technically I’m alone.

I’m sitting on the bleachers once again….alone.

I didn’t even take any excitement or amusement when someone fell down or got hit with a ball anymore. 

Human Hulk finally gave up on getting me to participate in his stupid little exercises. I would just crawl the lap instead of running or walking just so he could see he’s wasting his time.

On The Run (Under Severe Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें