Every Fantasy Ever Written

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I'll admit it, I did this mostly for fun. I won't say this is truly representative of most fantasies, but I did shove in as many cliche's as I could fit into one chapter. I don't anticipate doing a full story with this one as I did with Every Fan Fiction, so just take this for what it is, a humorous play on the cliches of every Fantasy genre'd "Hero saves the world from darkness" story. I hope you enjoy!


It's dark and creepy and scary. There is the sound of growling and monsters screaming through the night. I walk along the midnight path, only lit by the moon and the stars and apparently my skin because the area around me is perfectly illuminated while 5 feet away is complete darkness. I seemed to be walking through a dark forest, along a rough forest trail.

"Save me..." a voice seems to whisper in my ear.

I shake my head and ignore the voice. Oh, I know the voice said 'save me', and I know when someone says 'save' they usually mean right now, but I'm going to wonder around a bit in confusion, making them have to whisper it a few times while I say 'huh?' and 'Am I hearing things?'.

"Save me..."

Huh? I must be hearing things. And there we come around full circle, which is good, because I now see a girl in the distance who is also strangely lit up like a poorly planned plot point. At least I know she's important, because why else would she be the only other thing visible on this poorly lit path surrounded by impenetrable darkness? I know, maybe she's the one who wants to be saved?

I walk up to the girl. Even though her back is turned to me and all I can see is long blonde hair and a long white princess gown, I'm going to call it and say she's hot. In fact, she's the most beautiful person I've ever seen. No one in the history of ever has ever been as beautiful and attractive and pure and princess-like as she who is in front of me now.

"Do you need help?" I ask, my throat dry from the sight of her beautifulness.

She turns around, and just as her beautifully beautiful eyes and beautifully beautiful face came into the light, she suddenly screams. Chains begin to wrap around her body, and she starts to be pulled into the darkness. I begin to run after her. Couldn't let someone that beautiful get taken away. I mean, even her being wrapped in darkness and being pulled away is sexy, so you're damn right I'm going to rescue her!

No matter how fast I run, I can't seem to reach her. She's continued to scream, her body being pulled into the darkness.


Just as I'm about to touch her, the darkness shoots out at me, and two evil looking eyes look down.


I wake up with a start and a scream. My mother is sitting next to the bed for some reason. 

"Oh my, Samrand Bogglins, you woke with a start! You must have been having a nightmare!" Mom reassured me.

She gently stroked my hair as I slowly calmed down. Mom was always nice like that. She was a nondescript brown-hair brown-eyed mom who wore an apron and stayed at home as a homemaker taking care of her one and only child, me.

"Did you have a prophetic dream of the future again?" Mom asked reassuringly.

I nod, my head pressed against her chest. I've been having these dreams for years! When would they stop!

"Well, no matter, why don't you get up and I'll make you some breakfast. The village festival is today, and this year will be your coming of age ceremony!"

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