Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

We passed by the familiar houses with Carson beside me or should I say, cuddling me. We are currently sitting at the back of their car with Carson's dad driving. I was about to doze off when Rachel shouted.

"We're here!"

I groaned and earned a chuckle from Carson. He kissed my forehead before opening the door. He got out first and offered his hand for me to take. I shook my head no and watch him lazily.

"Come on now princess." He smiled at me, my favorite smile.

"I will only come out if you give me a piggy back ride." I stared at him innocently.

"No, you're too heavy."

I gasped and went out immediately to slap his arms continueously.

"Never call a girl fat!" I screamed.

"I didn't say that you're fat, I said that you're heavy." He smirked at me.

I slapped his arms harder with a frustrated scream.

"Okay okay! Stop! I'm sorry!" Carson raised his arms to mock surrender.

I raised my eyebrow at him and crossed my arms over my chest. I saw his eyes widen as his eyes flicked towards my chest. I followed his gaze to find that I made my chest look bigger, I briskly untangled my arms and let them fall limply on my sides.

"Pervert!" I screamed

"Well, I'm still a guy you know." He wiggled his eyebrows at me with a smug look plastered on his face.

"And I'm still a girl." I huffed

"Whatever, now get on my back before I change my mind." He said

I squealed in happiness and jumped on his back, burrying my face on his back as I smell him. He smelled like water crisp and Axe. He smelled so damn good.

"Are you sniffing me?" He asked feigning a shocked voice as his arms under my butt tightened to pull me higher.

"No!" I answered too quickly as I felt my blush forming.

"Haha I know I smell good." He said smugly.

I blushed harder and burried my face deeper as I poke his sides. He wiggled his butt like a girl and I heard a groan escaping his mouth.

"Stop poking me or else I'll let you fall down." He threatened me.

I tightened my legs around his waist and stopped poking him.

"Good girl." I can sense his smirk right now so I mentally rolled my eyes.

I started to feel myself moving and that's when I realized that Carson is already carrying my towards their house. I sighed contently as I nestled my face on the crook of his neck. I didn't realize that the Carson I knew before was far from the Carson that I know right now. From what I can see he changed, he became a gentleman, he isn't as arrogant as before.

"Cass, I know that you love how your body is pressed against my hot ones and trust me I like them too but you have to get off me." He said in a monotonous tone.

I stared blankly at what he said and that's when I snapped out of my trance and quickly jumped off his back.

"Evil pig." I muttered under my breath

His head immediately flicked towards mine as he gave me a glare.

"What did you say?" He asked slowly.

"I said that you're cute."

"Oh honey, I'm anything but cute." He winked at me

"Getting cocky are we?" I smirked at him.

"You can't blame me. I'm a hot piece of ass after all." He shrugged

I rolled my eyes in response because I can't help but agree with him.

"I'm going to take a nap for awhile then get ready." I gave him a peck on the lips before entering my room.

As soon as I got in, I collapsed to the bed and let sleep take over.


I woke up with my own accord, I think it's the exciting feeling that woke me up. I jumped of my bed and sprinted towards my closet. I scanned through my dresses and tops but I can't find anything. I groaned in frustration as I tug my hair.

What if I cancel the date and tell them that I'm sick or something? But I know that I can't do that, it'll hurt-

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

"Who's there?" I shouted

Nobody answered, so I walked towards the door and opened it. I saw a paperbag sitting on the floor with a note.

I picked it up and brought it in with me. I shut the door and sat at the edge of my bed. Curiosity took over me so I flipped the note open and it says:

'I knew that this would fit you perfectly, wear this tonight. See you later sexy ;)'

I recognize this writing as Carson's, it was written neatly and playfully though the last line made me laugh. This guy can be really sweet when he wants to.

I opened the paperbag and the first thing that caught my eye was the hot pink ribbon. I quickly took it out of the paperbag to examine it. It was a short black frilly dress with a hot pink ribbon wrapped around the midsection.

In other words, Gorgeous. I was about to throw the paperbag across the room when I felt the bag heavy, being the curious person I am I opened the paper bag again.

Holy shit.

There was a black shiny pumps inside the bag. It sparkled in every angle, I removed my slippers and slip on this gorgeous thing. It fits perfectly. All I can say is wow. He even managed to know my size!


My phone rang and the caller ID flashed Ally's name. I answered it with a grin etched on my face.

"Hey!" I chirped.

"Why are you so happy? Are you done preparing for our date? How are you feeling?" Ally bombarded me with questions.

Typical Ally.

"Shit. I haven't done anything yet!" I panicked.

I fancied Carson for so long. Urgh Cass get a grip of yourself!

"Good, cause I'm coming over. See you in a bit!" She giggled before hanging up on me.

I quickly ran to the bathroom and stripped my clothes off feeling all bubbly and excited. I squirted the strawberry shampoo on my palm as I hum the tune of 'Rough Water'. I rinsed the shampoo as fast as I could while swaying my hips side by side to the tune when someone knocked.

I jumped in surprise as I closed the shower.

"Who is it?"


"Allison Sanders?"

"No shit sherlock. Get your heavy ass over here now!" I heard her shout.

Am I really that heavy?

I wrapped the towel around my body and opened the door to find Ally gaping at the dress that Carson gave me.

"Holy mother of shit!" Ally whispered.

She picked up my dress to examine it, seconds later she turned around to face me with a huge smile on her face.

"It's gorgeous right?" I grinned at her.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! It's stunning! When did you buy this? You didn't even invite me to shopping? How much--"


She shut her mouth immediately.

"I didn't buy that okay?"

"Wha- then who did?" Ally stared at me with a confused look painted on her face.

"Carsongaveittome." I said all at once.

"What? Can you please talk like a normal person?" She said with a giggle.

"Carson gave it to me." I said in a whispering manner, afraid of her outburst.

She screamed an ear piercing scream. I cupped my ears to protect my poor eardrums. Boy I was right that she's going to scream.

Her scream was interuppted by a loud knock on the door.

"Cass! Are you alright in there?" I heard Carson ask.

My heart skipped a beat at the thought that Carson worried about me.

"Ern.. That's Ally." I said with a shaky voice.

"What is she doing in there?" He asked, I can sense his frown forming.

"Helping me with my make-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because of Ally's hand that clamped my mouth shut.

"What?" Carson asked

"See you later Carson!" Ally said.

I heard a groan as the footsteps disappeared. I removed Ally's hand and turned to give her a glare. She gave me an innocent look in return which made me roll my eyes.

"Wear this dress now! So that we can start your make up." Ally squealed.

She handed me my dress and pushed me back to the bathroom again. I quickly wore my undergarments and then I slip the dress on. The dress stopped one inch above my knees. I looked at my reflection and saw that it clung to my body perfectly showing my unnoticed curves.

"Cass! Are you done?" Ally said her voice filled with anticipation.

"Yeah, give me a minute." I replied.

I smoothed the dress and glanced at my reflection for the last time before going out. The moment I got out Ally squealed and clapped her hands.

"He sure can pick girl." She mumbled.

"Yeah." I smiled to myself.

"Alright. Enough with those now come here and sit so that I can start your make up." She grinned.

"Fine but in one condition." I said seriously.

"Which is?"

"Don't cake my face too much. Only apply light make up."


I obediently sat in front of her and fiddled my fingers in my lap.

"Close your eyes." She instructed me.

I closed my eyes and waited for her to finish my make up. It lasted for god knows how long, I was about to protest and complain when she spoke.

"Alright you can open your eyes now." She said.

I opened my eyes and saw another girl sitting in front of the mirror. Her eyes are big and it's literally shining, her lips are in a light shade of red and over all the make up is natural. I look so flawless and alive. I don't look broken and scared. I gaped at my reflection.

Is this me?

"You look gorgeous Cass." Ally whispered.

"Thank you so much." I smiled at her.

"What are friends for?" She grinned at me.

"Now I'm going to curl your hair." She squealed once more.

"No. No. Defenitely not that." I retorted.

"Why?" She pouted.

"I just like my hair the way it is." I said.

"Fine. Then how would you like your hair done?" She raised her eyebrow at me.

"Waterfall braid." I grinned

"Nice choice." She gave me a thumbs up then she started working on it.

After 10 antagonizing minutes, she finally let go of my hair and pin a pink ribbon on the braid which makes it look better.

The braid looks good and so was the make up. I squealed in delight as I jump off the chair to give Ally a bear hug. She laughed heartily and returned my hug.

I pulled away from her and saw that she looked good. She wore a pink sparkly dress paired with a four inched stiletto. Her long hair was now curled upto her shoulder and her puffy bangs were clipped.

"You look gorgeous Al." I complemented her.

"Not as gorgeous as you!" She chuckled.

"Please." I rolled my eyes as I walked towards my bed to wear the black sparkly pumps that Carson gave me.

"No way." She whispered, shock clearly stated in her voice.


"Don't tell me that Carson also bought that."

"Uhm.. He did." I cracked a smile.

"He knows your size?" She asked dumbfounded.

"Creepy I know." I squirmed at my bed.

"Damn! I wish Ian was like that!" She pouted.

I laugh out loud and it made my stomach hurt.

"C-come on. L-let's go now." I said between chuckles.

She nodded and opened the door. She exited first then I followed. I heard a sexy whistle behind me which made me swirl around and take a look at the person. It turns out that it's Brandon, I gave him a disgusted look before going down.

I wonder what will Carson's reaction be when he saw me.


My goooood! I took so long to write this chapter:( I'm so sorry!:/ I've been busy these past few days so I wasn't able to finish the chapter in 3 days.

Please give me feedbacks about this chapter I really love to read them, it makes me smile:)

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