Chapter 7

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"Ka! Ka!" was heard from a lone crow passing by the academy.

Inside the academy walls, Iruka-sensei's homeroom class was about to begin.

Kanoko sat on the right side of the class, near the back. Her brother, Shikamaru sat on the left with his new friend, Choji. He brother was still sore about the small prank she played on him the night before. After her mother was finished with the both of them, Kanoko felt a small amount of remorse and guilt over her actions. Her father especially because he hadn't actually done anything wrong besides siring Shikamaru.

Kanoko was sitting up straight, as normal, awaiting the beginning of class, when she saw Naruto run in. He looked around for a moment, then expressed joy when he pinpointed what he was looking for. Grabbing the dry eraser, he placed it at the top of door opening, and closed the sliding door to keep it place. He then pulled out some grease or oil and spread it on the floor, in front of the door, on the classroom side.

"That idiot is going to get himself in trouble." Kanoko thought with a small frown. She looked around the room and noticed that many of the kids were now completely focused on Naruto. Many of them had looks of joyful anticipation.

"Is this why he does it? For attention?" Kanoko didn't understand. She hadn't known anyone who acted this way. Being this foolish would mean death.

Naruto proceeded to stand in front of the door with a large toothy grin.

Kanoko only showed a small amount of shock as she thought, "What kind of stupid is he?! He's definitely going to get caught, just standing right there with that stupid grin on his face!

*whoosh* *drop*

Iruka-sensei just stared at the eraser as it fell. He then looked up and gave Naruto a blank stare.

Naruto started slowly chuckling like an idiot, trying not to celebrate his victory just yet.

Iruka-sensei then looked up to the class and asked in a warning voice, "Ok, who did this?"

Kanoko returned his look with a blank stare thinking, "Seriously? Naruto is standing right. In. Front. Of you."

"Of all the juvenile pranks!" Iruka-sensei finished, turning back to Naruto. Naruto just giggled again.

Iruka-sensei huffed before stomping his way towards Naruto. He didn't make it very far before slipped on the grease. "Whhaaaa!"

Bam! Iruka-sensei landed hard and flat onto his back.

"Hahaha! I got you! That eraser was nothing, but a decoy!" Naruto yelled in celebration of his genius.

"I'll give it to him. It was well planned." Kanoko thought watching the exchange.

Naruto then finished with, "And you totally fell for it too!"

Iruka-sensei slowly got up and growled, "Naruto..."

Instead of ranting at Naruto, as the whole class expected (looking forward to), Iruka-sensei stopped and stared at him. He seemed to be thinking of something, but had a look of distaste.

It was quiet for a moment before Naruto grinned and threw up his hands and said, "I know! I'll go wait out in the hall." Naruto started to make his way to the door with a grin before Iruka-sensei stopped him.

"No. Go and take your seat."

Naruto stared up at Iruka-sensei in wonder. Confused, Naruto just walked slowly to the back of the room, where there was an open seat.

"Aww! I thought for sure he'd get yelled at. I was kind of looking forward to it, to tell you the truth." Kanoko heard Choji say to Shikamaru. She noticed Shikamaru shift around to sit up straighter as his eyes narrowed at the scene before him.

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