It Definitely Was Scary

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They were playing 'Thriller' while I strained to hear Riley compliment me on my 'Walker bite'. Thanks to Riley I was now standing in the gym hall, wearing a black dress with a 'hole' in my neck. Compared to me, Riley's costume was especially girly, with her Minnie Mouse ears and polka dot skirt you forgot it was Halloween. As she fixed her bow while trying to find the best light for a selfie which would be impossible in the darkness of the hall, she told me what people were dressed up as that she saw. A 'Carl' from 'The Walking Dead' with his bloody eye walked past hand in hand with a Harley Quinn. While some costumes were creative there were others which were just stereotypical of 2016. Though who can I judge when I threw this together last minute. 

I still hadn't seen him, and I was dying to know what he was dressed up as. Would he dress up? I didn't know since I couldn't ask him as someone wasn't picking up my calls. Moving on, I had suddenly lost Riley in the crowd, during my search for Mr Harris. This was just great. I decided to sit down at one of the random chairs someone had lazily placed around. As I kicked an orange balloon which should have been attached to the ceiling like the rest of them I looked around the hall. As people drank alcohol out of Capri-Sun's I noticed teachers, yanking a flask out of a not so sneaky student's hand. 

"You okay?" I heard a voice ask me. Over the loud music, I couldn't recognise the voice. I sighed before turning to find my favourite person on Earth, Mr Harris. Shit. He looked a bit shocked as he realised it was me. I took time to study his costume. He was wearing a lab coat covered with hopefully fake blood splatters, and rimless glasses. 

"Mad Scientist?"

"Or a mad surgeon, whichever you want." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Cool, so you didn't think your face was enough?" I stood up so I could go find my friend. 

"Hilarious, seriously. Where are you going?" 

"To find my friend, I don't need an appointment doctor." 

"You still don't want to speak to me?" I knew it would look suspicious so I tried not to make a scene. 

"I don't want to speak to you? Excuse me, you were the one who didn't answer the god damn phone." I hissed.

"Don't make a scene Scarlett." He warned. What!

"What the hell do you mean don't make a scene, you were the one who came up to me."

"Because I saw a student by themselves, looking lonely. I didn't know it was you." 

"So if you knew you would never have come to talk to me?" He looked down. I scoffed, of course. That's perfect, just perfect. 

"So as much as Halloween is scary things, I don't want to hear anything that comes out your mouth," I said as I stormed off. He waved at me in the corridor, granted I gave him the middle finger but still, why is he being so mean? I went in search of Riley.


"Riley!" I called out into the bathroom. It was empty, except for a few cubicles that had people in it. 

"Give me a minute!" She shouted back. Thank God, she was my ride home. As she came out the cubicle she looked at me with worry.


"What's wrong?" 


"I know something's up. I can tell, tell me."

"It's just..."

"A guy?" 

"Maybe." I blushed and looked down. 

"When were you ever interested in someone?"

"I don't know." 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I could tell I'd hurt her by not telling her about me and Mr Harris, though I couldn't possibly tell her. What would I tell her? Oh yeah, by the way, the guy I like, he's our science teacher and I may have made out with him in his car and went on dates with him. Okay? Yeah, so what about the homework? Wouldn't happen. Ever.

"It just happened so fast. I barely caught up with it myself." That part was true. With all the people finding out about us, I forgot to sit down and think about Mark and I. Maybe it was for the best. He was being a jerk and blaming me when it was him who couldn't handle the pressure of us. 

Riley nodded, as if she understood, and didn't know there was more I wasn't telling her. I felt bad for keeping a massive secret from my best friend but she couldn't know, not until graduation at least. If there was a 'us' by then to tell. She dragged me to the row of mirrors in the middle of the room to take some 'selfies' 

"Let's get back in there!" Riley said when I asked her what she wanted to do now. I didn't want to go back. Not after the lovely interaction with Mr Harris, but Riley was my ride home, and I owed it to her. 

She linked her arm with mine as we entered the hall. Standing at the back of the hall scoping out a good place to dance/stand awkwardly was when I saw him again. He was talking to a female teacher bumble bee who had her hand placed on his muscular arm.  I could feel myself glaring as  my jealousy built. Why should I be jealous? 

"Oh, let's go say hi to Mr Harris." She said excitedly. I inwardly groaned as I knew this would not go down well. As we got just to Mr Harris and the female bumble bee, I heard something I knew I shouldn't have. 

"I'll call you to have those drinks you agreed to."  The bumble bee said, in an unusually high-pitched voice. Mark grinned and nodded. I saw her lips head in his direction and that's when evrything went black.  

A/N- I know the Halloween chapter is late but school and preparations for prelims are happening. The alcohol in Capri-suns did actually happen in our school Halloween dance. Along with a girl drinking so much alcohol, she couldn't walk straight before the dance that started at 7:00pm and ended up passing out in the toilets and the head teacher had to help her. So he might cancel our Christmas dance, and our prom in 6th year, so that's great. 

Also thank you so much for 8k reads!!!.

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