Chapter 1

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Note to Reader: Wanted to get something from my Billionaire Werewolf series up here to see if people might enjoy it :). As always, might take it down and leave a sample up sometime after I have the whole thing posted. Thinking of updating this on at least Wednesdays if I'm updating Booker's Mate on Fridays...I don't know, figuring things out right now. Bear with me please!

Anyway, hope you like this :).



"Jordan! In my office."

I downed the last of my coffee and pushed away from my desk, not alarmed.

Peter was usually yelling about something.

He was pacing behind his characteristically cluttered desk when I went into his office, automatically closing the door behind me out of habit.

"What'sup?" I asked curiously.

Usually we communicated via email, even though we were only twenty or so feet away from each other a lot of the time.

Ah, the modern age.

"We just landed a big interview. I mean huge! And I want you to do it." He pointed at me triumphantly.

Peter could be a little dramatic.

"OK. Who is it?"

He deflated a little at my pragmatic tone, but shook it off quickly,not to be deterred.

Inserting an appropriately dramatic pause, he put both of his hands on his desk and leaned forward.

"Curt Beckett," he said almost reverentially, in an uncharacteristically low tone of voice.

I felt my stomach sink a little.

"Curt Beckett," I repeated dumbly.

"Yes! The decade's most eligible bachelor, CEO of his own company, billionaire at twenty-five, Curt Beckett!"

I felt the urge to throw some poms poms at him so he could complete his cheer more properly.

Curt Beckett was well known in the were community, for obvious reasons. Wealth, looks, and that something extra dominants had that drew people to him like flies to honey. Especially women.

As soon as the word was out that I was doing this interview, I knew I'd be bombarded with questions from my young cousins and any other female were that I knew.

Apart from that, it wasn't exactly the type of story I really wanted to be doing. It was the type of article that probably wouldn't be more than a step up from the gossip magazines.

And, quite honestly, I'd worked the gossip beat before. I felt like I knew too much about his goings on already.

"Alright,"I sighed.

Because none of that was reason enough to turn down an interview that could be great for my career.

Damn it.

"A little enthusiasm is called for here," Peter said irritably. "Maybe I should just give this to Cynthia."

I perked up.

"Well,I know you know best Peter-"

"Oh,stop it," he interrupted with roll of his eyes. "You know I can't give it to Cynthia. Money just brings the crazy out in her. She'd probably start humping his leg like a bitch in heat."

I snorted out a laugh at that.

Not complimentary, but it was pretty accurate.

The fact that Curt was probably used to actual bitches humping his leg just made it funnier.

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