Chapter 3

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Note to Reader:  Aaah!  Late again!  Sigh.  I shall try to do better.  Maybe I should try doing mornings...

Anyway, I posted on the newest chapter of Booker's Mate about my drive to add people to my Reviewer List so I can get on top of reviews- I feel like I've been a little lax in that department- I don't have nearly enough reviews on Amazon to drive sales or to qualify for some of the marketing opportunities out there.  Yikes!  I'm trying to fix that.

So.  If any of you are over 18 and would like to review in exchange for books in the future, I want to hopefully start doing that.  Just thought I'd post that here too :).  If you're interested, just email me at dawnwilderbooks(at) with the subject REVIEWER.  I'm a little behind on emails due to life issues, but I'm pushing to get through all of them.

Also, anyone who can review anything they've read here or elsewhere, I'd really appreciate a review :).

Hope you guys like this chapter!  Happy Reading!



I glanced at the clock after my last meeting of the morning and realized it was lunch time.

"What do you feel like having for lunch?"

Jordan had done a good job of being unobtrusive. But I still caught her scent at moments or saw the sunlight glint off her hair. Neither of which she could control, but it did break my concentration.

Not that I minded.

I liked having her there.

But for the first time in a long time, I was impatient for the meetings to be over. I really enjoyed butting heads with people and tackling problems, so meetings were usually energizing for me.

With Jordan here, I had to tamp down on my impatience to rush through all of them as quickly as possible so I could spend more time with her.

It was disconcerting to say the least.

I didn't even know her.

"I'm fine with everything."

"How about Italian?"

"Sure,sounds good."

I had Miranda call up the restaurant and order what I usually did when I was having a working lunch. But I also had her add dessert which I usually didn't bother with.

I figured that wasn't unprofessional.

And she didn't have to know I didn't usually have desert.

"Is your whole day meetings?"

I walked over to the seating area where she already was, taking one of the armchairs across from her.

"Mornings are usually meetings. Afternoons are research and development. Nights are anything that slipped through the cracks and social engagements that are really just a part of work."

She nodded, looking around the office.

"What about weekends?"

"Depends on what I'm working on. Sometimes I do get sucked back into it. And yes, I have been accused of being a workaholic. But I think that's a risk you run when you do something you're really interested in, something you love."

She nodded.

"Do you mind if I record some of this?"

I didn't like the professional barrier the little recorder she took out created, but that wasn't a reason to refuse.

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