7. Apple Pie

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I pull the sheets off of my bare leg as I slide them over the side of the bed. Pale moonlight leaks in through the thin grey curtains, giving me enough light to see through the darkness. Visions of Addison play through my head.

That wasn't just a dream. I can feel it in my soul. Liam was in my head. He has my best friend.

My feet hit the hard wooden floors as I pad towards the door to Tyler's bedroom. Where is he? I gently pull the door open and am greeted with a dark hallway.

Anxiety builds in my stomach as I make my way towards where he works. He will know what to do. He is my mate. He will help me get her back. He will make this right and then we can all be one big happy family.

But how do I bring this up? Maybe I should just go alone. Maybe it will be safer for Addison if Tyler is uninvolved.

But he is the alpha of the SilverMoon pack. It is quite a large pack. That means he has some sort of army. A way to storm Liam's house and get Addison back safely.

I softly walk down the dark hallway until I come to the large oak doors of Tyler's office. I gently open the massive doors and peer in.

Inside the office there is a whole wall covered in old colorful books, and there is a dark oak desk off to the left side of the room where Tyler usually sits. Across from the desk is a lavish red rug and a nice leather chair that looks quite comfortable. I look inside and see Tyler drooling on the table. He lets out a small snore. Cute.

He must've fallen asleep while trying to accomplish some work. I tiptoe out of the office and close the door quietly. I then make a very terrible decision of walking back into the bedroom and grabbing a leather backpack from the closet.

I quickly shove a change of clothes and a hairbrush into the bag. Along with those items, I pack the first aid kit, a knife from inside of Tyler's night stand, and a fresh pair of socks.

I can be back quickly. I don't know how, but I know exactly where to find Liam. If I can hurry there and return, Tyler won't be upset when he sees that I saved maybe the last remaining member of my pack. He will have no choice but to accept her with open arms.

Next I make my way to the kitchen and grab a small metal bottle. I fill it with water as I survey the inside of the fridge for a last meal. I pack a few apples into my sack and then spot something that catches my eye.

In the very back of the fridge, behind way too many tupperware filled with leftovers, there is what appears to be leftover pie. My interest peaks as I gently begin to dig my greedy fingers towards the pie. The fridge is so deep I have to practically crawl into the cold space. As soon as I wrap my fingers around the handle of the frying pan pie, my mouth starts to water. I pull my arms back out of the fridge and my entire world crumbles.

Several pots and plastic holders go crashing to the floor. The sound, of course, echoes off of the walls, probably waking up every soul for about ten miles.

"Crap crap crap crap crap crap!" I whisper-yell as I rush to fix the damage I have caused. I shove everything back into the fridge and close the door before I create more noise.

I stand frozen for a few moments, listening for movement. There is nothing.

I then sit down to enjoy my pie. Addison's mom used to make the best apple pies out of frying pans. Something about the cast iron just brings out the flavor better. And boy is it good. Cinnamon and sugar are layering the top, giving a satisfying crunch in every bite.

I shove the last spoonful of pie into my mouth and then hear a loud yawn from down the hall. Soft footsteps slowly approach me and my heart skips a beat.

I watch the darkness until Tyler appears at the archway to the kitchen and stretches his arms out wide. He has just woken up from his nap. His hair is messy as dark curls hang in his face. He spots me and leans his arm on the wall.

"Are you having a late night snack?" Tyler asks curiously, his voice raspy from his sleep.

He wears a loose grey shirt. His muscles are sculpted even though he is relaxed. His eyes are inviting and warm, making me want to run back to bed and cuddle him until we fall asleep. As tempting as that may be, I have to focus on the mission. Addison is alone with vampires.

I give him a small smile as I continue to chew my pie. The smile isn't genuine though, and something tells me he can smell that on me.

"What's wrong?" His eyebrows furrow as if on queue. Blood pumps faster through my veins.

Here goes nothing.

"Liam." I breathe out, setting my fork on the counter. Tyler lets out a growl at his name.

"What about Liam?" He grits through his teeth.

"He got in my head. In a dream. H-He has Addison, Tyler. He has my best friend and we have to go get her back!" I blurt out, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

Tyler's look morphs from angry to concerned. He steps closer to me and I get a whiff his scent.

"It will be okay, Al." He breathes out as he reaches for my hand.

"I have to go to him." I look down at the empty pie pan.

"No." His voice is cold. At this point, I am seriously beginning to doubt that Tyler is going to let me leave.

"Tyler, we're talking about my best friend!" I argue, now angry at his decline.

Would he not do the same for me?

"I can't let you get hurt!" He raises his voice, stepping closer to me.

"Then come with me! Let's gather some men and storm the place." I gesture my arms out.

"Risk my men? Against vampires? She is not even part of my pack." He furrows his brows as if I am insane.

"Neither am I." I counter quickly, my volume rising.

"Alex, you are my mate. It is my job to make sure you are safe." He crosses his arms.

"What about her?" I yell back at him. He isn't understanding. He doesn't know how much she means to me.

"I said no, Alexandra." He cuts the conversation as if he is my father. I boil as I think of just abandoning Addi like that. I have to go to her. I have to get out of here.

"Tyler, I am going to get her whether you come or stay." I stand to my feet and puff my chest out.

"I said no." He growls out in a menacing tone. The tone of an alpha. Shivers run through my body telling me to obey a superior.

But Tyler is not my superior. He is not my alpha, he is my mate. My equal.

It happens very suddenly. My body moves without my consent. I wrap my fingers around the frying pan that once held a very delicious apple pie. I swing the dish into the air and slam it into Tyler's head. Now that can seriously hurt someone, but Tyler is stronger than a normal 'someone'. My heart cracks as I see the small look of betrayal in his eyes before he falls to the ground unconscious.

"I'm sorry, Tyler. I have to make sure she's safe." I whisper into the darkness.

I then grab my leather backpack and race out of the room. 

Updated chapter*
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