Chapter 7

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Tap, tap, tap.

I listened to the sound of my pencil hitting the desk whilst keeping an eye on the clock, counting down the seconds until the bell rang for lunch. The teacher droned on and on about atoms, chemical reactions and stuff that I wouldn't even need as soon as I'm free of this hell hole.

It's not like I wanted to be a scientist, hell, I didn't even know what I want to be. I mean who actually knows what they want be? One day I want to be an actress, the next a doctor and then a artist....I still have at least a year to decide though.


The bell signaled the end of the lesson and I jumped up from my desk, grabbed my things and rushed out the room. I relaxed as I walked down the hall and to my locker. Science is my worst subject and I very much dislike it.

Shoving my books into my locker, students start filling the hall, their chatter rising above the slience. I sighed when the locker to the right of me opened. Thankful for the door of my locker blocking my view I went to shut it, turning around but he spoke.

"Three weeks." He said and I stopped walking and turned back around. "Three whole weeks." He grinned into his locker without sparing me a glance.

"Three long torturing weeks." I smiled sarcastically. His grin widen and he shut his locker and turned to face me.

"Don't look so sad." He said pulling a mocking sad face. I glared at him and he chuckled. "Just like old times, eh, Sophie?" He chuclked again.

"I'm not the geeky little chubby girl anymore Zac. I'll play you at your game." He raised an eyebrow amused whilst giving me a once over.

"I can definitely see that." His eyes lingered on my chest area before snapping up to eyes and giving me his trade smirk. "Well, let the games began." I rolled my eyes and stalked away from him.

Jerk, seriously, who the hell does he think is he? God? I'm not going to let him run all over me like he used to. Hell no. I know all his tricks and secrets, I'm going to always be one step ahead of him.

"What's with the face?" Kat said walking next to me.

"He thinks he's so smart and funny and that everyone around here loves him. I mean, he's just a complete assface who doesn't know shit." She gave me a questioning look at my fustrated outbrust before luaghing slightly.

"Zac?" Like she needed to ask.

"He hasn't changed a bit! And now I have to live with him for three weeks?" I turned to face Kat with a horrid expression on my face. "You wouldn't leave me alone with them for three weeks would you?" She let out a small giggle again and grinned.

"Of course not however I'd have to run it through my mum." I sighed in releif. Kat's mum was a complete angel, she treated me like her own daughter just as my mum treated Kat. She wouldn't have a problem letting Kat least I hope.

"Run what through your mum?" Tina said skipping at my other side. "Oh my god..please tell me your not planning her murder?! Why, your mum is lovely, she's-"

"Tina!" Kat cut her laughing. "No, I'm not planning on killing my awesome mother." Kat laughed and rolled her eyes. Tina's mouthed formed a O shape and she looked a little relieved. I really worry about her sometimes but hey, I wouldn't have her any differently. "I'm asking my mum if I can stay with Soph for three weeks."

"Your more then welcome to come, the more company I bring the better." The better at not being alone with Zac.

"Sure thing hotstuff." Tina said happily and skipped in front of us. Kat and I exchanged a look, she mouthed 'hotstuff?" with a confused expression and I just shrugged.

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