Chapter 12

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DST1: ch12

Dylan's point of view:

I walk through school heading straight to my locker. Getting my locker open I hurry to grab my swim bag and head to the pool room. Mason hasn't talked to me in what seems like weeks. I ignore the pull at my chest every time I look to him. I can feel him watching me sometimes, but I never look to him to meet his stare. Mikey and I are back on good terms and I can really feel myself liking him more and more. Before I can get to the pool room I bump into someone. They hold me up keeping me from falling, and I look into the eyes of Mikey.

    "Hey babe." He smiles. "You got to be careful." He tells me placing me up right again. I smile nodding my head.

    "I know. I just was lost in thought." I explain. "Don't you have practice?" I ask confused as to why he isn't getting ready.

     "Yes I do, but I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the party with me tonight." He says shyly. I smile at him knowing it will make him happy, and that he looks so cute being nervous and all.

    "Of course. I did say I would go to one." He grins kissing my lips before hurrying off.

    "I'll pick you up at eight!" He shouts sprinting to the locker room to get ready for his practice. I laugh as I walk into the locker room to get ready for practice. I see Kailey there and hurry to her side.

    "Hey girl." She smiles. "What has you so excited?" She asks as I can't stop beaming. 

    "I'm going to a party tonight with Mikey." I squeal. Kailey laughs at my excitement as Lucy comes over. "Will you come too?" I ask. Kailey frowns at me making me frown.

    "I can't. My family is taking a small trip to see my grandma, so I got to go home and pack." She frowns. I frown back but just shrug my shoulders.

    "It's fine Kailey. Have fun away." I smile at her, and she smiles back at me. "Lucy will you come with me?"

    "I can't, I have a date." She says shyly. I grin at her making her blush.

    "That's fine. I hope you have fun." She smiles at me before something clicks as she remembers it.

    "Oh, Dylan can I see your phone? I left my at the house, and I have to tell Mason he has to pick me up." Lucy says holding her hands out.

    "Of course." I smile handing her my phone looking back to Kailey. "What should I wear?" I ask starting to get nervous.

    "Just wear something cute. You have a lot to chose from, so don't worry about it." She says, starting to change. I start changing too, nodding my head trying to plan an outfit in my head.

    "Thank you." Lucy says placing my phone on my bag.

    "No probs." I smile putting my phone in my swim bag to protect it. We finish getting ready for practice, and head down to the pool. The warmth of the pool room hugs me as I head over to the benches to put our stuff down on. The water looks so calm and inviting wanting you to get on in. I smile as we put our stuff down and grab kick boards and a pull buoy.

    "All right girls you can get on in the water, and start your warm up." Coach says walking further into the pool room. I smile holding my cap out to Kailey, and she caps me. I cap her, and Lucy, before we all hop in. The water soothing my body and calming my mind. I push off the wall starting my warm up.

Mason's Angel (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن