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For once in the past few days, I was early? I had just arrived early and I was confused. Not many students were there when I got there and it was bliss.

"I should get to school earlier from now on," I whispered to myself, as I walked into the nearly empty library.

Sitting down on a comfy looking seat near the radiator, I put my bags beside the chair. I glanced around the room and spotted a familiar floppy, muddy coloured hair that seemed to have been laying down on the table in front of him.

Why was he here? Isn't the so called 'dream boat' meant to be in the sports hall? I may had been stereotyping then, but I was right. Boys like him never stepped foot in the library. Just like girls, like me, never stepped foot in the 'Kane & Angela's Room'.

Kane & Angela's Room (KAR for short) was a small room where all of the popular people would go to hang out in. They would have drinking games in there, like spin the bottle and they would gossip about people all over the school. No teachers knew about it and "freaks and uninvited people are not allowed," says Angela Herrington.

Anyway, Mason was one of the few people who was always invited by Kane and Angela because apparently they were 'best buds' and they ruled the school together. Yes, Kane, Angela and Mason were the three popular students in the school.

With Kane and Angela being a thing, Mason was the most gossiped boy in school. Not many girls gushed about Kane and the ones that did, were always sorted out by Angela's claws.

And the boys who did fantasise about Kane, were lucky that Angela was ignorant. Let me tell you, lots of boys loved and admired Kane, not just obvious teen girls that fainted everytime he walked the halls.

To my wonderful luck, the brown mop of hair arose from the table, making me shrink distasefully in my seat. Hoping he wouldn't look round, I bit my lip apprehensively. Mason began stretching out his limbs as he let out a loud yawn. I chuckled quietly in the corner with the image of Mason as a baby kitten after a cat nap on my mind. I didn't even need to make him cute, he already was...wait, what?

Unfortunately, my little chuckle wasn't as little as I thought it was because Mason's head perked up higher, like a dog's ears that perk up everytime they would hear something.

"You didn't see that," he glared threateningly. "You never saw anything."

"Sure, Cutie," I teased, crossing my arms over smugly.

"I'm serious Leia! That could ruin my whole reputation," he remarked dramatically, standing up to look serious.

"Oh don't be silly, Mason. Everyone yawns and stretches after they have a little nap," I giggle evilly, winding him up even more. "Plus you looked as cute as a kitten. I'm completely sure the whole school would agree if they were here."

If that didn't rile Mason up enough even more, then the name I called him sure did. I guessed he didn't like being called cutie. And when the word, "Run." slipped passed his lips I charged towards the door to save myself from being torn up by Mason Daniels.





Stopping round the corner of the corridor, I panted and held my collapsing body against the wall. I was exhausted from getting chased by Mason. As I tried to catch my breath, the bell for my first lesson of the day rang. Groaning in frustration, I walked my way to my first class, trying to be careful not to bump into any raging Masons along the way.

Swooping into my classroom with the rest of my fellow peers, I darted to my seat in an instant. At least I wasn't late to class like the other day.

I cringed in my seat as I thought about me entering the room with every person's eyes' on me. Then I thought about how Mason came in straight after and him annoying me all lesson which led to me getting a detention for raising my voice at him. Wait...Mason was in this class. That wasn't good.

"So, Leia" the teacher spoke, bringing me out of my thoughts. "You didn't hand in your slip for the trip tomorrow. Do you have it with you now?"

The trip. I totally forgot. At the end of the lesson she gave us a letter for our parents to sign and I forgot to forge my dad's signature so I could go. I wanted to go as well.

"Oh, um no Miss. Unfortunately, my father was too busy to sign it," I answered.

"Well, Mr Daniels seemed to have not  brought his with him either so you two will be getting a cover teacher and some work I have prepared for you," she smiled sympathetically, knowing how annoying Mason could be.

"Ok. Who's the cover teacher?" I asked.

"Oh he's new. I think it was some man named Mr Redford. I heard he's nice from other teachers so you'll be alright," she explained before she left my desk to get the class' attention.

I had to be in a room with the devil. It just had to be him. Tomorrow was going to be the worst day ever, I could feel it.

Damn you, Mason.

Reaching over to get my pencil case and timetable out of my bag, I realised that I had left my school bag in the library. And whose annoying fault was that? Mason.

Damn bloody you, Mason.


Ok! Please don't kill me. I know it has been ages since I updated but I tried. I really just got lazy and didn't end the chapter how I liked too, but hey hoe what can I do? This chapter was really short I know. Let me know in the comments if you like short chapters or not because I don't know what to do.

And today I found out that Carrie Fisher had died. If you didn't know, Carrie Fisher played Leia in Star Wars. To be completely honest, I'm not a big fan of Star Wars, but I had watched at least one of the films before and she did an excellent job.
I hope she rests in peace and I send my love to her family, friends and fans.

Don't forget to vote and I will see you my lovelies soon <3
Gem Gems

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