Chapter Twenty-Eight: Unedited

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~~~~(**Sam's P.o.V**)~~~~

"Any word on Ian?" I asked, and everyone in the room went silent. No one moved, no one spoke, and I think no one breathed. We where in the pack office, seated in our black leather chairs all crammed around the modern glass table. It wasn't that the table was small, it was that all of us reached over 6'0" and needed to spread out.

Ever since we found out about Ian and Sameal working together, things had been tense around the pack. Sameal was not to be messed with, he was known for killing for pleasure. He wasn't powerful, he was a Imp for God's sake, but he was smart. Tricking people into signing over packs, taking beautiful girls and using them as breeders, but he would'nt get my Allie.

Looking at my father, I felt a urge to punch him. He had intimidated Allie, his future Luna. He probably knew she was my mate by now, my scent coated her body. Oh her body..

"Yes. We found Sameal's scent in a house near your school. They've been watching for some time" Dad informed me, leaning back in his chair. "Andrew?" I asked gruffly, crossing my arms and staring at him.

He was my younger brother, and Beta. My fathers Beta, Craig, was unable to have sons, and stuck with 6 daughters before his wife said no more.

They where all beautiful, and I knew my father had wished I would end up being mate to one of them so they would understand the need to reproduce.

"Ruby has not allowed us inside the house to check" Andrew said and I nodded. Scribbling down a note to talk to her, I felt all eyes on me. "Alpha Sam, why is it a big deal for this girl to be so protected?" Ed, one of the elders, asked.

Biting the end of my pen and sharing glances with Andrew and my father, I debated whether to tell them or not. "She is my mate, and the fact that a Imp and Sameal are watching her." I growled, feeling my pocket vibrate. "Excuse me" I said politely, standing and walking out of the room to let them take it in.

"Hey baby" Her sweet voice said, and I could hear how tired she was. "Hey, Princess. How was your flight?" I smiled, sinking onto the ground and stretching my legs out. "Horrible. A woman with a baby sat next to me and refused to use a nursing blanket, and a man with a cough sat next to me also" She whined, and a possessive thought popped up.

"Are you at Aunt Angie and Uncle what's-his-face's house? Are there any boys?"

"Yeah. Tyler, my cousin. Kylee and Brooklyn are doing my hair and-Ow! Kylee, not that close to my scalp!-And Tyler is teaching me how to play COD."

"And wheres the other, the baby?"

"Asleep in the bean bag chair. Aunt Angie and Uncle Kevin are having a date night. Perfect timing.." She sighed, and I knew she was on the verge of falling asleep. "Well, you better rest up because as soon as you get home we're going t-" I tried, but Andrew came out.

"Sam, c'mon. We need to talk about the Barbecue" He said, giving me a nod. "Alright. Coming" I waved him off "I have to go, text me before you go to bed" She said sweetly. I wanted to pull her into my arms and cuddle with her. Man, I was whipped.

"Alright, maybe I could get a nude?" I asked hopefully, joking. "Text me" She laughed, and Andrew came out again. "I love you"

Making Love to The Alphaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن