Chapter 8

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7 days until Christmas 🎄

I knew something wasn't right. One, my aunt was 10 minutes late, which she is normally early or on time, two, it was to quiet, and three the cave seemed...different. I studied the cave until I saw an engraving that caught my eye. Two, actually. I read it in my head, knowing what happened last time when I didn't.
People closest to you hurt you most
"What the heck did that mean?" I thought aloud. I looked at the other engraving next.
There will always be evil in the world; you can't stop it no matter how hard you try. Take this as a warning.
"Now, that was creepy. But, why are these engravings making me feel like I'm in language arts class?" Yep, that's all I could think about. Language arts. Back to the cave. It seemed different. It felt like it was missing something. Something important. I knew my aunt wasn't going to show up. So, I might as well leave, right? Wrong. Knowing me, I had to snoop. Even if it means me putting my life in danger. I looked around the cave. Shells, engravings, normal things. I dove under the water to look at the engravings below it. Then I saw it. It was like hieroglyphs, not exactly, but pretty darn similar. There was this colorful picture of a this one mermaid. Not Monica, a different one. It showed her in front of a bunch of mermaids. They were tied up, they were prisoners. They seemed to be bowing; worshipping her even. Maybe she was some sort of goddess. Or, could she have been a power-hungry ruler? The thing that caught my eye was this big jewel necklace. It was a glowing, green jewel. Some of the writing around it was most likely explaining the picture. I couldn't read it because it was in a different language. It was probably an old language because it was literally made up of weird symbols from thousands of years ago. Now that I think about it, it may be hieroglyphics. Probably should of payed more attention in social studies. Then, something else caught my eye. There was this section on the cave that was black. A very dark black, almost darker than actual black! That doesn't make sense, but you get it...hopefully. That's weird. Never have I noticed that. Or, did I never notice it because it wasn't here? That's when I definitely knew something was wrong. Something was wrong with the cave. Why? Maybe evil was coming...if it isn't already here.
Dun dun dun. Sorry that this is a short chapter. I'm setting it up for the next chapter. I hope that you liked this chapter and thanks for reading.

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