Chapter 25.

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I quickly spun around to properly look at british and no name guys's unconscious bodies laying on the floor.

Nick turned around and walked over to where they were laying. He studied them before looking around as to what had happened.

Behind a tree, I saw Ryder peaking out.

He put a finger to his lips, telling me to keep quiet. But broad guy seemed to have noticed him because he suddenly sat up straight and stared at the line of trees where Ryder was hiding.

Not thinking of anything better, I slid down the slide and hit broad guy's back with my feet, hard.

He let out a staggered 'umph' and coughed to get some air back into his lungs.

While he was doing this, I climbed on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck, cutting of his air supply.

He immediately stood up and grasped at my arms, trying to get me off him. He twisted around, wanting to get me off but I wrapped myself around him and tightly held on. After a couple of seconds, he fell onto his knees and then face first on the ground, taking me with him. Luckily, I was still on his back and didn't even touch the ground.

After unwrapping my arms from around him, I checked to see if he still has a pulse. I sighed in relief after coming up positive.

Hey, I didn't wanna be a murderer.

I ran over to where Ryder had come out of the trees.

"Are you okay?" he asked me and urgently engulfed me in a big hug, making sure I'm okay more for himself than for me.

"I'm fine," I answered but it came out muffled because I was tightly pressed against his chest.

Ryder let go and held me at arm's length.

"Did they do anything to you? Did they hurt you in any way?" he asked me while inspecting my face and arms.

"Once again, I'm fine," I replied and rolled my eyes.

Instead of saying something else, he pulled me close again and kissed my lips.

The kiss was full of relief. Coming mostly from him than me again.

We pulled away and he sighed while tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Honestly, I don't know why you're so worried," I told him. "It's not like they were actually gonna hurt me. And besides, if they tried, I would have kicked them in the balls."

He chuckled and gave my forehead a quick peck. "I know you would."

There was a slow clapping behind us and we let go of each other to turn around.

Nick was standing in front of us, smirking. "Wow. She must be quite important if you're willing to do all of this."

Ryder kept quiet and narrowed his eyes at Nick, while pulling me closer to him protectively.

"You know, she reminds me of Jamie. You remember Jamie, right?" Nick asked Ryder.

When Ryder still didn't respond, he kept on talking. "Of course you do. I mean, you were the one who broke us up. It was your fault, as to why my heart broke into a million pieces."

"I did you both a favour," Ryder finally answered. "You never really loved her. And she was only with you because she hadn't seen the real you. She's better off without you."

Nick chuckled humourlessly. "I once thought we were friends!"

"So did I. Until you left me to get caught by the cops. Alone," Ryder answered evenly.

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