[32.] You again

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Samantha's P.O.V

Staring into Liam's eyes all I can see is anguish. My heart breaks into pieces because it's killing him more than its killing me.

I can't help but think would it be easier for him if I let go of him but that's not what I want and I am sure it's not what he wants either.

Why does love have to be so messed up? Why can't I just have the one person who didn't have an issue with showing his love for me?

Why can't shit be easy like in all those romantic movies and novels? Why can't it be easy like a love song? Why can't it be as simple as 'I love you' and that's it?

Why can't it be just you and me Liam?

"Princess...." Liam whispers and as I blink my heart stops because I know what's coming.

I shut my eyes as I covered my ears with my hands and vigorously shaked my head screaming no.

I won't let him say it to me. I don't want to hear it.

I opened my eyes to look at him one last time and with one tear drop he slipped away from me.

He left me again and this time I knew it was for good. I knew he wasn't coming back. I knew it but my heart refused to believe it.

"Sam. Sam!" Liz snapped her fingers in my face. I must have zoned out again.

"Uh yeah what's going on?" I asked as I shuffled around stuffing things in my bag after noticing it was 5:23pm.

After my accident and near death experience Alex gave me the job I had interviewed for in his company. At first I refused because it would be weird but then I needed the job so I took it.

It's been three months now and it's going quite well. At first word spread about my past relations with Alex and most of my female coworkers hated the mere sight of me but things have settled down now.

"I have been waiting outside for fifteen minutes and all you can say is 'what's going on' Samantha freaking Davis?" She leans on her right foot with her arms crossed.

"I am so so sorry Liz I totally lost track of time. We can leave now." I say as I step out of my office and lock it.

We stride to the elevator silently. Which was quite off if you ask me because Liz always has something to say. Plus after I made her wait I would expect her to yell at me until we reached the building's entrance.

"Okay....what's up? You are quiet. Too quiet." I turned a bit so I could look at her.

"Okay but promise you won't get mad at me though." We walked out of the building and once we were outside I stood still.

"Liz!" I can't believe this girl!

"Sam wait listen! He called me and begged me to at least make sure you meet him. And you know I don't like the guy because for the pain he put you through but you need to at least talk to him so you guys can sort this through. It will help you at least move on if that's what you still want. " she explained.

"But Liz I really don't want to." I really don't want to do this. Not right now and not anytime soon.

"It's not a matter of what you want Samantha. It's about what you need and this is it." She has a point though. I can't be running away from this anymore.

"Okay. I will do it." Liz smiled at me and she gave me a small push and I walked towards my car.

"Hey Sammy." He said.

Once upon a time the way he said my name turned my insides into mush. Now it just peeled the skin of my healed wounds.

The cold New York City breeze sent his cologne rushing to my nostrils and memories flooded my mind. Cold cold memories of the love I dreamed of but never got from him.

He just never did. I was there but he just let me go and didn't even put up a fight to say the least. It was as if I didn't mean as much as he led to believe. Which I did. I believed he cared. Looking at him I just want to know why.

Here goes nothing.

"Hi Alex."


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♡♡♡ Lulu...♡♡♡

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